Chapter 1

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"What dress should I buy?"

Riley shows me two beautiful short dresses for this year's ball.

"Don't answer, I'm buying both" I laugh and nod.

I wanted to use a long dress but I'm too short for those and I'm pretty sure I'd look like a popcake. Riley keeps insisting that I wouldn't but she just says that because she's taller than me.

"Which one are you going to buy?" she asks me.

"I don't like any of these" I say "And besides, prom is in three weeks. I still have time"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna go and pay these" she says and walks away.

I'm not that excited for this year's prom. No one has asked me out yet.  I would usually invite Toby, who is our best friend, but he's dating Sarah so he's going with her. Plus, I don't want senior year to start, I'm sure it's going to be a disaster!

On the other hand, Riley is way too excited for this year's prom because plenty of guys have asked her out already, she has rejected all of them though, she's waiting for the perfect guy to ask her out. Besides, she's way too excited for senior year. She thinks it's going to be like a big party the whole year and everyone having fun doing road trips or going to festivals. I just think senior year is going to be an explosion for those who want to get into good colleges.

Riley's always been the hot one in my group of friends. She's tall and blond, she's really funny and nice so she can have any guy she wants. She has hooked up with more guys than I can count with my hands, but no one really knows because she never tells or flirts with anyone at school, just in parties or bars.

After Riley had paid her dresses, my mom picked us up and we went to my house. She told me about some guy she met at the diner last week that turned out to be in our school. She couldn't stop talking about how cute and funny he was, and that she believed he was the perfect boy she'd been looking for all along.

"So he's a junior too?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he just got here last year" she says "He used to live in Georgia"

"Oh" I say "What's his name again?"

"Kyle" she says "And he's super cute"

"Is that his last name or something?" I joke and she rolls her eyes laughing.

"Kind of" she sighs dramatically "Well, I have to go. My mom's waiting for me outside. See ya tomorrow"

"See ya" I say and she leaves.

I knew Kyle, he was in most of my classes but I've never talked to him. He seems nice though and he is actually hot. There's been lots of times when he has caught me staring at him in class, which is super embarassing because I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know my name.

I was in chemistry class with Sarah, Toby's girlfriend. Riley hadn't showed up to class and I was getting worried that something might've happened to her.

When the bell rang I stepped out of the laboratory as fast as I could and went searching for Riley.

I go to her locker and she's standing there rejecting some guy, again.

"Hey" I walk up to her and she smiles immediately "Where were you this morning?" I say and wave the guy to leave, so he does.

"Kyle and I decided to skip class" she goes and I stare at her blankly.

"What?" I frown "So you're together now?"

"Not yet. We're just going out but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend"

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