C H A P T E R 1

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Tye Point of View

I remember walking around the park, looking for people to invite to my big springbash
when I saw this sexy ass boy by the basketball court hoopin with his boys. He looked to be around 6'2 waves he had tattoos all over his body
I stop by the bench and sat there and watch I pulled out my new iPhone 11 Pro Max and text my bestfriend brianna told her to bring caitlyn and ilisa with her.As you can see I have my own clique even tho caitlyn is my sister but back on topic they get here in like 5 minutes..

"were yall mfs doin something without me!?"
I shirek and they look around guility...WELL SEE WHAT HAD HAPPEN WAS...CAITLYN MADE ME DO IT!" ILISIA YELLS AND CAITLYN MEAN MUGS HER..."DAMN SHUT YO ASS UP! I ANIT MAKE YOU DO A DAMN THING,DONT EVEN FLEX!!!"CAITLYN MUMBLES.."we were only taking a scroll through downtown caitlyn clarifies and I nod"oh ok then"I said....

Now what did you want us to see "marie questions a i gasp..."ladies behold your eyes on those fine niggas over thier"i said *in my ghetto voice*....they looked in the direction of the boys and their eyes popout of their sockets.."see told you i boast.."ohh boo they go to my school....they're seniors but they're hella cool."ilisia states that sparked my interest since ilisia was in high school and 16....I really want to talk to them since you say they are cool.

Let's invite them to my party I grin and caitlyn says "they're coming over here"...I turned and surly enough curly hair and his boys were coming over to the bench...curly hair stopped infront of me and says "wassup shawty" I smile and wave.. '' no need to be shy , so I was wondering what's your name he says I giggle my name trey but you can call me tye I reply and he  smirks that's a cute name for my lil shawty he says but forreal my name Jaylon but you can call me jay...I smile and then remembered the invitation....'so jay, would you and yo boys like to ome to my party? I ask tilting my head to the side 'yeah we'll be there' after glancing at the group of boys..' cool can't wait to see you there 'ayee tye let's walk and talk' ok I said ayee y'all ima be back

caitlyn: don't take long
tye: Shut up come on jay
Jay: Iight *puts arm around waist* how old are you
tye: 19 how old you is
Jaylon: DAMNN you a youngin but im 21 btw
Tye: * stops * what that supose to mean *getting attitude*
Jay: shawty calm down
Tye: iight then * walking away *
Jay: * grabs waist * were you going tye
Tye: I got to go
Jay: ok then can i at least get your number shawty
Tye:yeah * gives number *

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