C H A P T E R 19

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Tye P.O.V

No No No No No jay you have to get up please wake up don't do this to me I yelled and cryed I called 911 & I told them what happened

I knew If they found jay gun he was going to be in big trouble So I told king to take it some where I had my baby blood on me & all I could do is cry m heart out

Jay was rushed to the hospital my ass was scared and worried that my finna be husband could die an minute


*6 Hours Later*

"Are you here to see Jaylon sir" Said a Tall ass doctor

" Yes how is he doing

"He slipped in a coma He lost to much blood I'm sorry"

My nigga slipped in to a coma his brain is dead He cant talk or do anything I'm so hurt I'm depression Why the fuck it had to happen to him?? I wish god could just answer the question

*2 Weeks Later*

I haven't got any sleep for the last two weeks I been by jay side they said they go have to pull the plug cause jay haven't Woking up yet

I'm at the hospital I just sat by jay holding his hand telling him how I feel about him and how I want to spend the rest of my life with him I know he could hear me & he was unconscious but he was moving his fingers while I held his hand I need a doctor he's moving his fingers I yelled & watched as the doctor quickly run in she informed me he slipped out of his coma I got so happy I cryed

"Bae" He said weakly

I ran over to him and gave him a big ass hug But I made sure not to touch the tubes that was running through him and I kissed him

"Bae are you okay"

"Yeah I'm okay Tye I promise you I'm through with the dope game I don't want you or my kids to get hurt for some shit that I did on some real shit" He said looking me dead in my eyes

"I don't want you to get hurt I cant live with out you" I said starting to cry

"Bae you not gon lose me I promise you Ima be here Forever But don't cry"

We just Talked for hours talking about all the shit we been through In the last 6 Months Until The doctors came in and told me that jay needed to get some rest So I got up and left

I was walking home Until I seen this Cute light skin boy around the age of 19 Looking at me biting his lip he came up to me

???: Whats up shawty whats yo name

Me: Hey My name Tye whats yours

???: My name Is Dashun can I have yo number.

Me: Yeah

We Gave each other The numbers and we both started walking separate ways I made it back to King house I knocked on the door King answer the door with some basketball shorts on with no shirt I wasn't gon lie King ass is sexy But that's jay cousin I cant do that

"ShortStuff How jay doin" He asked with a deep ass voice

"He okay he gon be getting out soon they got to do some tests" I said sitting on the couch.

" Awe whats up with you" He said sitting on the couch"

"What you mean"

"You kno what I mean I see how you be looking at me Soo whats up" He said getting closer to me

"I don't look at you like th-

I got cut of with him kissin me I kissed back he layed me back on the couch We kissed for like 5 minutes until I needed this to stop before This go to far I tried to get up but he put my hands over my head And started touching all on my body I finally Got out his grip I ran up stairs and locked the door Changed in to my night clothes which is considered As some boy shorts and one jay shirts and layed down Until I heard Somebody playing with the lock the door open and it was king he came ova to me and Got on top of me I tried to fight him off but he was to strong "You finna take this Dick" Only thing you could hear was me crying and screaming

Hey you guys there Are 2 More chapters Left Tell me How you feel about this One Jay is OKAY I wasn't finna let Bae ass die like that He too much of a real nigga Damn tye got raped by jay cousin

















Want me to continue you gotta reach the goal

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