Abandoned Village

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This whole chapter will be Laurence's POV btw...just wanted you to know. Also school is coming up in a few days so...yeah? Um...I know I haven't posting alot of Travlyn, well you see it's hard to do all the stories together... I'm not ending any of them yet so don't worry but the Travlyn one will be a bit later then usual. Also sorry if I haven't been posting alot lately... I'm a bad author yes, yes I know...But I'm really busy so...sorry :(

Laurence's POV

I jumped off the ship and took out my sword "Better safe than sorry." I mumbled to myself. There was a mountain which was tall and a thick forest in front of it. The sun was starting to rise so I made sure I was would hurry up. I went through the forest and I saw a cobblestone wall hidden behind some trees. "What is that?" I asked myself.

There was gate in between 2 trees. It wasn't organized or even...taken care of. The wood was scattered everywhere on the floor. Vines were around it "Huh...reminds me when we came back to Phoenix Drop..." I held my sword tightly and walked through the gate, I looked around and saw a few buildings here in there. None of them were in tack, they were all...ruined. I looked around and couldn't see much since it was dark. 

I entered a wooden house and settled there, I put down my bag and sword and laid on the left over of a bed. "I feel so tired..." I sat up and felt someone watching me... But the voice distracted me from investigating.

LAURENCE! C'mon already! Go back to the ship and kill her to earn your immortality. You can live forever, killing others, releasing your anger on those who caused pain in your heart, Revenge. Stop this already. Holding back on your anger is even worst than you think, Laurence-

The voice in my head was interrupted by a rustling in the bushes "Huh?!" I grabbed my sword and went down to look around. Until I felt to arms wrap around me, strong ones to be exact "What do you think you're doing here?" the voice asks. It was male's voice. Husky and rough. A knife to my neck almost going to cut it "I-I was just exploring the area..." I whisper back, I smirk and kick him back. It was dark so I couldn't see much so I started throwing punches "Pathetic." The voice smirked.

I felt something crash into my cheek "GAH!" I fall to the rough gravel ground. A foot kicked into my stomach making me feel nauseous. I coughed and all I heard was laughter....

C'mon Laurence. Fight back, it's time to kill.

I stood up and growled at him, I felt something brush my cheek...this time it wasn't a fist. More like a knife...a sharp knife. I ignored the pain, I threw a punch and I hit something "GAH!" The male voice shouted, I smirked... I clenched my sword and swung it but something stopped it "No." All the voice said. He took the sword in his hands and kicked my stomach, pushing me away. The green sword that I had was taken from my hands. I heard steps coming towards me and laughter. I then feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder "ARGH!!". I put my right hand on my left arm and I felt liquid...blood... I shake my head and refuse to give up "Not going to give up yet, huh? Well then." I run at the voice but I ran into nothing. I felt a foot onto my back... pushing me forwards, making me fall on my face. 

I cough once "What...d-do you want from me?" The voice chuckled but didn't respond, I grew angry. I quickly got up ignoring the pain in my left arm. The sun was starting to rise so I could see better. The mans face was covered with a mask, he was wearing all black. I grabbed his neck with my left arm, the pain killing me one by one.


I smirk at the look in the mans eyes. His mask may have been frightening at first but his eyes showed otherwise. Fear, how nice of an emotion... I clenched my fist "How about we switch things now, huh?" I punch him once, his mask not hurting me at all. I punched him again, but this time he blocked it. The masked man smirked at my action and threw me to the ground "HOW-" He grabbed my sword and put it close beside my head, but not through it...beside it....He brought the sword up and laughed...

 "I wonder how it would like if it was though your head." 


Thanks for reading this part of the story :) If I made any mistakes, sorry.

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Forbidden Love-Larmau✔️Where stories live. Discover now