Ch.2: Friend or Foe?

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Author's warning: may make you tear up...idk just enjoy it...

The sunlight rays peeked through the curtains. Obito hissed and tried to close his window and ended up opening it more.

'Goddamn it!'

he placed a pillow over his head "Why get up when the whole world is trying to get away from me..." he muttered. But knowing his parents he decided to get up and go somewhere else for today.
'I need to go train...I have to activate my sharingan today! I can do it!'

he thought while a grin slowly appeared on his face. "Today will be the day!"


He was wandering around in the forest to try to find a new training ground....well he had to because he knew Kakashi would be there and it would get intense.
'Well I need to find a clear area...where no one or anything would interfere.'

he glanced around and spotted four adults standing in the middle of nowhere.

'What are they doing here?'

Obito was now curious and wanted to know what they are doing so he decided to get closer...


Kakashi was coincidentally around that area. He saw a puppy run by here and a little girl begged him to go retrieve it. He had nothing else to do...well avoiding the hidden leaf's green beast also gave him a push to go find the pup. "At least he won't find me here.." he mumbled and spotted a couple of people standing in the middle...

'What are they doing here?'

he got closer to listen better.


The four men started chuckling and Obito was trying his best to get closer without being caught.

'Wait a minute! They aren't from the hidden leaf! The-'

he felt something bite his ankle "OOWWWWW!" he yelped in pain and looked down to see a puppy looking directly at him.

'It's just a puppy...why is it here???'

his thoughts were interrupted by the four men "HEY YOU!" Obito looked up and and saw them getting closer to him


he wanted to pull back so bad but he needed to know what they wanted and why are they here. "W-who are you!?" Obito tried to sound tough but it only made his fear show a bit. One of them smirked and whispered to the leader of their group "...Why don't we have some fun with him boss?" Obito heard him clearly and a shiver went down his spine


Kakashi decided to keep his profile hidden for the meantime.

'That idiot!'

he shook his head in disbelief. He leaned in to listen better. He saw the four guys surround Obito and corner him. He look like a scared prey ready to be devoured any second now. "Listen little punk..." the oldest looking guy from the group tried to grab Obito by his collar. "Don't touch me!" he said while slapping his hand away and a guy from behind snickered "Hey boss...this an Uchiha!" the leader of the group smirked in amusement "A sharingan user you are...heh...wonderful." he then quickly kneed Obito to the stomach "Ugh..." he dropped to his knees...his vision was blurry but he looked up and saw Kakashi...he didn't want these people to come after him. Kakashi backed away but froze as their gaze met...


**Sorry if it was short but I thought I should leave you all on a cliffhanger. Haha.**

***End of Chapter 2***

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