-3 months later-
The new apartment was good to go, which meant for a little fun. M and V had gone separate for a while, between school and living in different states. Now, M was coming to move in with his beloved, something they had talked about for forever. 5:32, the clock said. V waited anxiously for M to come knocking on the door. This felt like a dream coming true- not only would they be living together, but they'd be able to have more live "sexy time", if you will. Knock knock, the door sounded. V jumped up way too excitedely, almost hurting her ankle. She sprinted to the door, and there stood a tired, yet pretty darn adorable M, and the two embraced each other. Tears on their faces, M whispers, "I've missed you, my love." "I've missed you too, dearest", a blushing V says. M drags his bags in the door, and set down his jacket. Anxious, V looks at him at asks, "Do you still want to do it? You look tired." M, though tired, wasn't about to give up an opportunity to have some fun with V. "I'm okay. Are you ready?" "Yeah". V grabs his hand and goes to what shall be the room they share together. M takes a gaze at the room, a little lonely-looking. The door is shut, and the tops come off. M lays on the bed, tired but not down to admit it. V climbs on his lap, and the two embrace in a make-up session before getting to the action. "Look what I bought," as V reaches into a near-by drawer and pulls out a surprise- a vile of chhikni. "Want to try it?" M nodded his head, and lays back. "I'm ready." V opens the vile, and takes a little but of it with a q-tip. She places it in his nostrils, and wiggles it around a little before taking it out and letting it do its magic. M started to sniffle, his nose dripping a little. He hitches, and lets out a sneeze. "Hit-ktchu", a tired, but sort of wet sneeze flys by. V kisses his neck, and multiple sneezes pass. "At-ktchu! Heh-h-hat-chu! Hat-chu!" The chhikni was proven effective on the poor man, as he continued to sneeze for another 4 minutes non-stop. The two exchange positions afterwards, V laying on the bed, and M blowing his nose before taking a shot at her. "Are you okay?", he asked. She nodded, and proceeded to let him stick a fresh q-tip up her nose. It took a moment, but M kept her entertained with his wet sniffles, and then, she released. "Ah-TCHU! Hah-h-atktchu!" She sneezed in doubles for a while until finally settling, all the meanwhile M was cuddling and kissing her belly. V got up, blew her nose, and the two laid on the small bed. M fell over at first, and the two laughed it off. V sneezed again, forceful and wet, and left M more awake than he was the entire day. "I can't wait to spend more fun time with you," V said. "I can't wait to spend any time with you. I want to spend as much time with you as I can." M expressed lovingly. Kiss, and V asked, "how much time?", jokingly. "How about... a lifetime?", he answered. He turns her head, looks into the deep brown eyes of hers, and pops a pretty nice question. "I love you. So much. And, we aren't in the fanciest situation right now, but I couldn't wait. So... would you like to spend the rest of my life with me, or at the very least, until you can stand it? V-" a sneeze flys by, and he continued. "V, marry me please?" She kissed his nose and then his lips, and whispered a lovely "of course". He buried his face in her arms, as to hide any tears falling down his face. V laughs a little, and pulls her love tighter. "I love you so much, dork," she cries. Muffled, but still understandable, M says, "But not as much as I do, nerd." Tiny sniffles, and M, no longer able to stay awake, falls into a deep slumber, still in V's arms. The two sleep in each other's embrace until the Sun wakes again.
RandomWarning: mess? ❤ sneezing/bondage story ❤ heterosexual story The story is a 4-part. It follow M, a 5'8" 19 year old fellow, and his girlfriend, V, a 5'5" 19 year old woman. The two have a sneezing fetish, and they use it to their advantage. PART 1...