The Wolfsbain Diaries

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I have never been normal. Instead of having a normal childhood with dolls and everything young girls play with, I grew up learning how to defend myself and using weapons. You see my dads a werewolf hunter, actually my whole family is. Everyone just thinks my dad shots wild dogs and has a weapon business. But they don't know half of it.

As for me, my name is Arianna Hayes. I am the second child to Scott and Cecelia Hayes. My older brothers name is Harry. I was never surposed to be born my parents only wanted one child, well my mum only wanted one child. She still can't except the fact that I wasn't a boy. I don't get it but anyways. Here's my story.

"Faster Ari" my dad yelled from the other side of the oval. He was making me run laps around the oval. I sighed and ran a little faster.

"Good!" My father yelled. "Now bring it in" I ran over he was holding a water bottle ready to give to me. I drank some then poured the rest on my head. My father murmured something about wasting water but my phone rang before I could really care.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey! Where are you?" My brother asked.

"I'm at the oval training, why?"

"Why wasn't I invited? I need some training to it's been all about you lately." I didn't take any offense to this, because I knew why dad didn't tell him to come. My father pretty much thinks I'm the one that deserve more training. He thinks Harry's useless though he's not, Harry is quite good. I'm just better, unfortunatly.

I sat down on the ground and started to do some sit ups when I noticed my schools football team was looking over at me. They still can't get the concept that my training is more intense then theirs. I tired to ignor them and went on.

As I was packing up the team captain came over. Colton was so hot! Every girl wanted to date him but he would never say yes when I girl he didn't like asked him out.

"Hey" he said "let me help you with that."

"Hey, are you going to ask me to leave your oval?"

He laughed " No I wasn't actually. Was going to ask you to the dance"

"Oh" I said. I had already embarrassed myself.

"If you don't want to that's fine-"

"No I do! Want to go I mean."

"Great! I'll see you around at school" he said a winked at me

Great, now I just have to go home and convince my parents...

"Please?" I said

"No" my father answered

"Why not?! I want to go!"

"I think she should be allowed to go!" My mum yelled.

"I'm going why can't she?!" Harry yelled.

It was always us theree verses my dad. But half the time my parents made it into there own argument.

"I'm going to go even if you tell me I can't!" I spat at my dad

"Arianna Hermione Hayes don't you dare speak to me like that!"

Yeah my parents are massive Harry Potter fans. Why my name isn't Hermione or Ginny I don't know..

"I'm going to go" I shot a warning glare at my dad. My knew what I meant by that, I would tell Harry what dad says about him.

"Fine you can go" he said harshly.

"Yay shopping spree !" My mum squeaked gleefully.

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