Their Story

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"Okay" Theo started. "Don't get to creeped out by this, but the werewolves have been watching you since you were born-"

I cut Theo of "Why me? Why not Harry? He older-"

"You used to act like a werewolf before their tenth birthday. Harry, did not." Theo cut me off. I knew what happen on a werewolves tenth birthday. They officially became a werewolf. Though I was shocked by that statement.

"We always thought that your dad would train you and you would be the death to us. Your more powerful then most people I know. Both humans and wolves." Argent looked at Theo while she said that. They shared some type of look. A look that said why did you say that.

"The other packs- with the exception of the peace pack- find you a big threat and have tried to get us to get rid of you." Theo sighed. Of corse the peace pack wouldn't want to help they were the only pack my family hasn't killed someone from. None of the people in that pack have killed anyone. Though the death threat didn't surprise me.

"Some of the people in the pack found out about the dance and caught wind that you were going and they took the oppotunity. We were hoping your father would say you couldn't go but we were wrong. There was a group of werewolves at the dance looking out for you. But then you left and we tried to follow you and I didn't make it in time."

I took me a while to take this all in. I was just thinking over everything he said when I finally asked. "Why else were you watching me?"

"We were protecting you."

"From what?"

"Your family."


I felt sick from what I had just heard so I just laid on my bed...

For about 3 hours.

Everyone had pretty much stopped bothering me and knocking on the door. Until finally around 7:30 someone knocked on the door I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and let them in. There was a boy there he had to be around 18- Argents age- he had tan skin, golden eyes and golden hair. He actually looked abit like Hunter Hayes. He was carrying a tray that had a large bowl and some orange juice on it.

"Hey, I'm Zack. Argents boyfriend, we thought that you wouldn't want to see Theo or Argent so they sent me with dinner."

"Thanks. What is it?"

"It's carbonara. I was helping out the cooks today and I read that carbonara was your favourite food in your file, though it didn't have anything about your favourite juice so I just got Argent to squeeze some oranges."

I had to admit it smelt so amazing I hadn't realized how hungry I was. But I refused to eat like a pig in front of Zach. But I was still confused about the "my file" thing.

"There's a file about me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just little stuff we've been documenting on you." He replied calmly like it was no big deal. Before I could ask what he meant by 'just little things' Theo walked in.

"Ahh there you are golden boy, Argents been looking for you. She said something about dinner plans." Then Argent walked. She was wearing a violet lace dress that was strapless and fell to the floor her hair was up in a bun and had a yellow and white frangipani in it. Surprisingly it went really well. She looked beautiful

"Sorry Honey I was helping in the kitchen." Zach told Argent.

"Ooh you should get an award for being the best full blood citizen." Theo laughed. Both Argent and Zach ignored this comment.

"By the way, you look beautiful." Zach said to Argent. I'm not sure it it was the blush on her cheeks but I swear she blushed! Theo just looked away he didn't make any stupid comment or anything.

"Thank you, and we better go or were gonna be late." Argent told Zach "see you guys later." And with that they left.

"Wow this carbonara is terrible!" Theo stated sat down on the end of my bed. "Then again not everyone has Italian cousins..."

"You have Italian cousins?" I asked confused.

"Yeah but they're only related by marriage. It was my mums brother who married and Italian lady."

There was a couple minutes of silence because I didn't know what to say to that so instead I asked "Does your family know what you are?"

Theo turned a deathly pale colour.

"You know what don't answer that question."

He seemed to be lost in thought, and still pale.

"They could know..." Was all he said as he got up a left the room he was full of tension you could see it.

I never asked about his family again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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