Part 4

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The  room was silent for  a  long time. The light from the sunset  filled the  room. Juli didn't  know  what else to say, and Jacopo  appeared to have  not finished the  saga. He  was just lost in a moment  of the past.

"...  before she died,   Star pushed Garnet's  pokeball and her mega stone to  me," Jacopo said,   slowly. Almost  thoughtfully. "She told me to take  them and take care of   Garnet. Next  thing I knew... I was a the  hospital, hearing the news  that  Star  didn't make it." He looked over  at Garnet, who had curled up  next  to  him and fallen asleep. "Garnet...  well, I sort of explained.  But   after seeing Star dead and trying to  wake her up... she was really    depressed. Wouldn't go near any other  pokemon, even mine. If she got    surprised or startled she attacked  pretty viciously. That's why they    couldn't keep her at the Pokemon  Center anymore. So, I put some of    Star's things in the closet, and  just let her stay there.

"But  the years  following  Star's  death... I still perused cooking. She was  my  inspiration, and  it's  something I do to remember her by. I just  wish I  could remember the   dish that sparked it." He looked over at  Fieri who  was now concentrated   on making dinner. "Fieri's been pretty  helpful in  helping me find the   herbs that were in the meat, but with  the addition  of the boiled   chestnuts I think we'll be getting even  closer."

"... That's how  you've   been coping?" Juli asked. She  was more in awe than confused or    skeptical. "You cook and try to find  the recipe for a meal you  shared?"

"Funny sounding, yeah,   but  it helped." Jacopo gave a  sad smile. "I was a little off after the    funeral, and her parents  helped me find a job and pay for a few therapy    sessions, but I found  comfort in making food. Even more as my job in  a   waiter. I get away  from my old husk and act like a complete  gentleman   who battles like a  bad ass."

Juli giggled a little. "I'd still have to be the judge of that, though not until you're fully recovered."

"I'm still going to have to go to work, lady, my boss isn't light with stuff like this."

"Well,   actually," Juli   said with a smile. "He called yesterday, having  heard  wind of the  fight.  He's giving you a paid break I guess."

"...   I don't believe   that," Jacopo stated. "I've worked at Le Wow a long   time and that's not   how my boss would respond. And this apartment   isn't big enough for all   of us."

Juli faltered a moment   before   poking his bad rib. Jacopo recoiled. "Listen, you can't move   about   and battle in your current condition. I know how to win battles,   and I   took on Sushi High Roller while you were dreaming the other day.    Just  guess what I've got on me."

"A weeks amount of cash   to  handle  yourself and make up for my absence." Jacopo struggled over  to   the  edge of the bed in order to stand. "I-It's not going to do any   good  if  I dont survive... tomorrow." He got up, groaning.

Fieri   growled as Jacopo   entered the kitchen. "I'm not interfering, I just   need to smoke...  don't  give me that look. At least I handle myself   better then that one  guy on  the Dark Fire... named him Ash, I think,   he was smoking so  much."

"What do you mean by tomorrow? Your not going to work--"

"Fraust wants Garnet tomorrow... and I'm going to fight him in order to keep her safe."

Juli stopped, looking down at the still sleeping pokemon. "Why do they want her?"

"Somehow   he knew she  was  tough. I've seen her fight once, and when that   stone's activated  it  gets scary fast. Plus, to gang members, the   scarier the pokemon the   tougher you are." Jacopo found a pack and   pulled out a cigarette,   lighting it. He took a drag before blowing the   smoke out an open  window.  "He probably want's Rusty's pokeball too.   He didn't loot it off  me."

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