Part 1

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So I know the picture looks super bad but yeah.Also Eren and Armin are in mid 20s.

Eren POV:

'Ugh' I sigh while walking to the studio door. I work as a photographer for porn stars and I take nude pictures. So far I've been working in this company for three years and I have never looked at one of my customers in a 'sexual way' which is good because if I did I would have lost my job already.

"Eren get over here"says my over enthusiastic manager.

Hanji is her name , she has dark brown messy hair with some weird glasses and she looks like she could be in a mental hospital.

"Going" I mutter

I walk over to her dirty desk and see her smiling wildly.'oh no'

"Guess what" she screams

"What" I say

"We got you a customer"

"Finally only took you a month "
I say sarcastically with a bit of happiness.

"What ever his waiting in the lounge go and do your job "

I walk down toward the lounge which is also where we take most of the photos. Once I get closer I see a guy who looks to be the same age as me . He has light blue eyes that shine in the sunlight and blonde hair that is long enough to touch his shoulders . His figure is small and thin like a girls and he has a red book in his hands looking very interested in it. I turn and put my hand out for him he looks at me for a minute and then shakes it while saying his name.

"Hello my name is Armin and you must be Eren the photographer am I right?"

"Yes" I say while smiling.

"So shall we get started Armin?"I say

"Of course"he says cheerfully.
I move to my camera and tell him to sit down he does . Before I tell him anything he starts to take off his clothes first shoes and the up once he gets to his boxers I say.

"Oh no need to take thought off first where going to do half naked"

He nods and stops taking them off. Before I do more I first look at his body his skin is a cream color and he cars very thin ankles a look up and see his nipples , very pink and glossy, i look up a bit more to see his face it looks perfectly straight not a sign of any emotion.

Armin POV:

I look up and see Erens face and I feel very nervous but I try desperately to keep a straight face and it seems to be working because Eren tells me from behind the camera that we're going to start soon.
I start shifting uncomfortably and Eren seems to notice as he says

"Ok so first I want you to ruffle up your hair so it's all messy"

I do as I'm told and I start trying to ruffle up my hair it doesn't take long before my hair is a complete mess and Eren tells me that it's good now .

"Ok now I want you to lay on your on of your sides so that your facing me and put your arm on your head and cross a leg"

I follow his instructions once more and go into that pose I lay there for a while and then I hear a snap"

~time skip~
After taking lots of photos of me with my boxers Eren tells me to start taking then off.

Eren POV:
I watch as Armin takes off his boxers and he carefully slides them off and what is left makes my face turn red. Armins cock is thin , straight and just as pale as the rest of him . I feel my blush starting to move a crossed my face and going on to my ears 'damn his cute'

" uhh Eren"

Armin snaps me out of it before I go past the no return point.
'Shit' what was I thinking getting turned on by this guy his a customer and I'm not gay. Well that not very reassuring but even so I talk back to him without any difference in my voice.

"This time I want you to stand up and turn to the side and look at the camera while putting your hand over your mouth"
I needed poses to make his adorableness stand out because he was everything but sexy and he was pretty much the words cute and chid like.
I look over at Armin and his already in the pose 'shit his super cute' wait what am I saying again before I think to much more I snap the picture.

~time skip~

We walk out the door of the lounge/ photo are and I look over at Armin he has a robe on and Hanji directs him to the changing room he goes in and shuts the door. 'Oh yeah I forgot to tell him when the pictures will be done' so I walk into the changing room and call out for him , no answer I walk over to the bathroom stalls and see Armin there.
What the hell is this.

Eren x Armin //ereminWhere stories live. Discover now