Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Angelina's Point of View:

I woke up the next day with a terrible headache. I knew that the result of all the crying and lack of sleeping will be that headache. It was already 11:00a.m so I went out of bed and took a quick shower. The weather was really hot today so I put on a black cotton skirt with a white tank top.

I sighed as I opened my bedroom door and walked downstairs. I was hoping that the brothers were still asleep because I didn’t want to deal with one particular brother right now.

No such luck. They were already in the kitchen. I heard their muffled voices as I reluctantly walked to the kitchen. Déjà vu, I thought sarcastically.

When I entered the kitchen, all the talking stopped. I wasn’t planning on saying anything today. I was angry, hurt, and tired. Even though Drew apologized last night, I’m sure that he doesn’t remember it because he was drunk. Just like my father didn’t remember hitting me, I thought bitterly.

I didn’t look at any of the brothers but I felt their gazes on me. I drank a glass of cold water, took some Advil, and walked out of the kitchen, back to my room.

I know I shouldn’t be mad at Lee and Liam because they have nothing to with it but when I’m angry I don’t talk to anyone.

Was he really sorry when he apologized yesterday or was the alcohol talking? The image of Drew’s drunken face flashed in my mind making me flinch. He looked so weak and vulnerable. He wasn’t even able to walk properly.

Then I remembered him kissing that girl. Unconsciously, my fists clenched to my sides. I was burning with jealousy.

I finally sighed and closed my eyes. Why can’t I think of anything but him?

I heard a knock on my door. I sighed again and said: “Come in.”

“Are you okay?” Lee’s head poked into my room and I gave him a small smile.

“Yeah,” I said. He rolled his eyes at me and walked into my room, closing the door behind him.

“My question means: Tell me what’s wrong,” he said and I chuckled.

I scooted a bit to the right so he could sit next to me on my bed.

We sat in silence for a while, lost in our thoughts.

“He wasn’t like that,” Lee started and I didn’t have to ask about who he was talking. It was clear that he was talking about Drew.

“Andrew’s true personality is like a mixture of me and William.” I gave him an incredulous look at that.

“Hard to believe, I know,” he gave me a half-smile.

“What happened?” I asked when I saw that what he said was true “Why did he change?”

“That,” Lee stood up “I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?” I frowned.

“I already told you something I shouldn’t have said and I can’t say more but just go easy on him. He’s trying.” He gave me a last smile before walking out of my room.

I didn’t really understand what he meant but I knew that I shouldn’t tell Drew what he said and I have to find out more about Drew’s past.

I’m not the kind of person who holds grudges against people. It’s just that many things happened at the same time and I am human after all so it’s normal for me to get mad at him.

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