Preference 3: Tears

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Louis: "Hey, Y/N?" you looked up and raised an eyebrow pissily. "Nothing." you went back to reading, then he did it again. And again. And again, until- "Just fuck OFF!" you screamed, throwing your hardback book at Louis. Laughing, he grabbed the book and threw it back at you, the corner hitting you in the middle of the forehead and glancing off. It hit your cup of tea and spilt it everywhere. Louis laughed. "Ow!" you yelled, and lept to your feet, hand on your forehead. "I hate you! It's not fucking funny!" he kept laughing, and you suddenly burst into tears. All your frustration came pouring out and you collapsed to your knees in tears. "Y/N, shit, what's wrong?" you sobbed louder. "My head hurts and I was trying to read and you knocked over my tea and I'm having a bad day and I just want a hug and I really, really, fucking hate you!" he knelt next to you and put his arms around you. Gently, he pulled you into his side and hugged you tight, rocking you back and forth as you wailed. "Shhh. Shhh. Its ok. Shhh." you kept crying, and he rubbed small circles on your back. "Shhh. I've got you. Calm down. I've got you."

Liam: You lay face down on the bed, ignoring Liam's pleas. "Y/N, what's wrong?" you rolled onto your back and looked up at the ceiling before taking in a deep breath. "Y/N-" "I feel like I'm losing you. I haven't seen you in three months. You in come home, but you're not really home. I'm losing my best friend, the man I love, my rock, and there's nothing I can say or do to get him back!" you screamed. Liam looked at you in shock. "There's only so much damage I can do to myself before I have to let go and walk away! I can't sit by and watch you drift away!" you were crying as you sat up and shoved him, tears soaking your cheeks. "I can't, Liam. I just can't." he grabbed your hands and held them still. His eyes were full as well, hands shaking and his voice cracked. "Y/N, please-" you shook your head. He was crying now as well, and he caught your arm, tugged your face back to his. back. "Please don't go. I need you." he whispered, pulling you into his lap. You sobbed harder as he tried to wipe the tears from your cheeks. "I need you too." you whimpered as he wrapped his arms around you."I need you."

Niall: "Ni? Ni- oh, Niall-" you stumbled over to where he sat on the kitchen floor, head in his hands. His shoulders were shaking with sobs, and the hands cupping his face were cut and bloody. "Oh fuck Ni. What's wrong?" you crouched next to him, trying to avoid the broken beer bottles littering the floor. "She cheated on me." he picked up a bottle. "SHE CHEATED ON ME!" and he let it hurl, the bottle flying across the room and shattering on the floor. "She cheated ON me." and he let out another sob, turning his bloodshot eyes up to you. "Why, Y/N?" you felt like crying as you stood and wet a cloth before kneeling and beginning to wipe up his cuts. "I don't know?" a tear rolled down his cheek. "Everyone I love leaves ." you shook your head and used your thumb to brush away the tear. "That's not true. I'm still here." he nodded and began to cry again,Hsm hand groping for another bottle. "But you'll just leave-" you grabbed his hands. "Stop that. I'm here. Not going anywhere. Promise."

Harry: "Baby, look at me. Look at me. Please." he was begging, on his knees, holding your hands in his. "Baby girl, please. Look at me." his hands were shaking, and you could hear his voice starting to crack. You raised your tearful eyes to him, meeting his gaze. Harry  hand raising to cup your cheek. "I can't do this anymore." he sucked in a deep breath, and tears spilt suddenly down his cheeks. "I'm sorry." you whispered as you began to cry harder. "I'm not good enough for- I'm not right for you." Harry tilted your chin up to his and when you saw his tear streaked cheeks you sobbed harder and harder. "HarryI'msosorrysorry-" "You're wrong. Because you are right for me." he said as he pulled you into him. His arms curled around you and tucked you into his chest. Your tears instantly soaked a patch on his shirt. "You aren't just right. You're perfect. So please don't go." he said, and you could hear the slight hitch in his voice. "Because i wouldn't be me without you."

Zayn: He looked at you with large, wet eyes. You could see the buildup of fear and anxiety, anger, frustration and doubt welling up on the corners of his eyes, dripping down his cheekbones. It scared you. You never saw him cry. "Y/N, please." he sobbed, his choked voice rising as he crumpled onto the floor, leaning his head back on the bed. "Z, I don't know what to do!" and now you were crying, crying at the sight before you. "Don't-I-Just hold me. Just hold me." The tears were thick and fast as you collapsed next to him, drawing him into you. Zayn buried his face into your neck, the tears pooling in your collarbones. His arms were around you too, holding you tightly to him. He was shaking, and you ran your hand down his back to try soothe him. He gripped you tighter, and you held him back, feeling as though you were the only thing keeping him on the ground. "Z, I'm not letting go." he mumbled into your neck, his voice mixing with the tears. "Never?" "Never."


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