Preference 22: He breaks up with you... (PART 2)

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He Breaks Up With You Before You Tell Him You're Pregnant (pt. 2)

"So he just fucking came home and dumped you and left? You didn't even tell him yet?" You shook your head, silent tears flowing down your cheeks as you stuffed your mouth with cake. "Honey, you have to tell him." Your friend said, soothingly rubbing her hand on your back. "He's not going to care." You whispered back. You knew in the back of your mind that he would care but you just didn't want to go through the confusion of telling him and not knowing what to do. You were stuck between telling him and hoping that he'd come back to you or not saying anything and carry on with this fatherless child. "He's going to care, this is his child! Look, he did what he thought was best but you didn't get to have your say right?" You nodded. "Well, what do you think? I mean, when he told you what he did."
"Um, I was shocked. It initially hurt me. I don't know why he'd do something like that. But, I figure I was willing to look past that since we were going to start a family." Your friend nodded, watching as you came closer to her and rested your head upon her shoulder. Your arms reached out and hugged her shoulders, the tears spilling once more although this time not so silent. "I FUCKING THOUGHT THAT WE WERE GOING TO HAVE A FAMILY-A NICE FAMILY. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?" You cried out, breathing heavily and very choppy. Your body was bouncing due to the gasps that were passing your lips. Your friend worked her hands along your back to calm you, shushing you every few seconds and telling you to breathe. "I really think you should tell him. You don't deserve this. Even if things don't work out, at least he'll know and you guys can talk about a plan. Hey, why don't I come with you?" You looked at her with puffy red eyes and smiled, nodding. "You're the best, but... can we finish this cake first?"

So, as you sat in the lonely, dark silence of your bedroom, you felt yourself grow angrier. You didn't know exactly what you were angry about if it was Harry or yourself, but you were pissed. You got up and stomped down the stairs to the kitchen and still saw the breakfast. Walking over to it, you grabbed the food and threw it into the trash can. "Fuck you!" You screamed, picking up your food and throwing it as well. "Fuck you and you're fucking band. Fucking tour. Fucking parties. Fucking... fuck!" The angrier you got, the more you yelled and eventually sank to the floor against your counter with tears spilling. You couldn't believe what just happened, you didn't want to. It was all a dream and you were going to wake up in a sweat next to Harry and he's going to comfort you and hold you tight, singing you slowly back to sleep. You close your eyes and pinched your side, squealing with a shock of pain as your eyes shot open to see the same view. It's not a dream, it's a living nightmare. "Maybe... maybe I can have an abortion? I mean people have them all the time, right?" You've become so livid you began to talk to yourself. "It might be expensive but... no I could never do that. What about adoption? Is that possible? Oh, but what if it's a boy just like I've always wanted.... Or a girl like Harry has always wanted." You sat and pondered for a while, looking around the room at anything that you could use to distract yourself. Sighing, you got up and decided to go for a walk, throwing on your shoes and grabbing your keys and purse, heading out the door and strolling along the sidewalk. "I better call someone since Harry obviously doesn't want to know..." You mumbled, pulling out your phone and subconsciously dialing your mother's number. "Hello?" She chirped. "Hey Mom." You replied dully. "Everything okay?"
"Well, no. Can you meet me at the park? The one by me, I'm walking." Your mother agreed and soon enough, you were sitting at the benches with her. It took around fifteen minutes to tell her the whole story and here you were with her, trying not to cry as she held your hands. "I think what he did wasn't fair to you, but you have to tell him. This is a life we're talking about and the poor kid won't know anything about their father if you don't say something to him."
"You're right," you sighed, looking down but slowly back up, "I just don't know where he is or anything."
"That's okay, just take it slow. Maybe call him today and ask to talk. Eventually, he will want to talk to you but don't stress if he doesn't want to now. It'll work out, I promise. Now, how does breakfast sound?" You smiled and nodded, getting up to go into your mother's car and pig out on well-deserved breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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