22. Battle On The Tower

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(The Beast is alone on the West Wing's balcony. Gaston crawls upon him with a knife. He place the knife under the chin of the Beast.)
Gaston: Show me what you've got, beast! Are you willing to fight for your true love than fight like a man.
(The beast turns around and fights with Gaston. Finally he grabs Gaston by the collar.)
Gaston: O-Ohkay, I give up. You've win. Please let me leave.
Beast: Go.
(He let Gaston go. Beau runs to under the balcony)
Beau: Beast!
(Beast sees him, he stretches out his arm.)
Beast: Beau, you ca...
(Suddenly Gaston stabs the Beast in his stomach. The Beast smacks Gaston away and Gaston falls down to his death. The Beast lies down. Beau quickly runs up to him.)
Beau: Beast...
Beast: Beau, you came back.
Beau: If only I've had come sooner.
Beast: Maybe it's better this way.
Beau: No, don't talk like that. We're together now. Everything will be fine.
Beast: Atleast I've got to see you, one last time.
Beau: We're home. We'll be here forever. Just trust in me, I promise that I won't run away. This all I need. You've changed me so much. I've found my home. You're my home. Stay with me.
(The beast calmly lies down. He breathes heavier and doesn't reply)
Beau: No..No please, don't leave me. I love you.
(Just when Beau said the last three words, the last rose petal falls down. He cries and lies his cape on top of the Beast's body. Suddenly smoke appears out of nowhere. Beau looks at it with wonder but doesn't dare to come closer. Something moves underneath the cape. Different shades of colorful lights appear everywhere. Then the cape goes up and it reveals a handsome prince wearing the same clothes as the Beast. The prince looks at himself and then at Beau.)
Prince: Beau, look at me. Beau, don't you recognise? The man beneath the beast is right before you.
(Beau slowly walks to the prince. He looks deeply in his piercing blue eyes)
Beau: It is you!
(Then the three servants walk to the see the prince and Beau holding eachother. They are now real humans)
Katharine: Master, look at you!
Archibald: Look at us!
François: I'm no longer a pig!
Katharine: We're all humans!
(The prince and Beau walk downstairs to greet them.)
Prince: My do you look good!
Beau: So do you.
(Prince looks at Beau. Beau looks at the prince)
Beau: You are beautiful. From the inside and the outside.
Prince: Yes, I gues I learned my lesson.
(Beau smiles at him and the prince kisses him and Beau kisses him back. Maurice walks to Beau)
Maurice: Beau, do you really love him?
Beau: I do papa.
Maurice: Then marry him for goodness' sake!
(Beau laughs at his father's comment and turns around to see the prince on his knees)
Prince: Okay, I'm gonna keep this short but...My dearest Beau do you take me as your husband? Do you want to marry me?
Beau: I do, Adam.
(They kiss and walk away. Katharine walks after them.)
Archibald: What are you going to do?
Katharine: Prepare the castle. There is a wedding on it's way!!

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