Chapter 5- Get Away

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"Stop hurting him! Leave my brother alone!" the little girl cried out and kicked the man who was hurting her big brother as he was tied up to a chair and being beaten.

The man simply shoved her and she fell to the ground. She got up and then saw another man enter the room. He left the door open and she took this opportunity to run for help. She wanted to stay but her brother gave her a weak smile, as he believed that if anyone should make it out of this alive, it should be his baby sister.

She quickly ran out of the room, as her brother's screams were the only thing that could be heard. She was very small and could easily hide, as the only way she could have been noticed was by the few cameras which guarded the building or wherever she was.

The hallway was very dark and after what seemed like forever, she saw a door which had stairs. She ran up the stairs very quickly, although the ground kept shaking. She then had two paths ahead of her, one going left and the other right. She took the right one and ran through the hall as quiet as a mouse. She then had many flights of stairs to take. Finally, after being exhausted from running up over a kazillion stairs, she saw light not too far away so she carried on in order to help her big brother.

As she ran up the stairs, she found herself on a decking of a ship. No one was in sight and although she was in a dangerous situation, she could not help but admire the beautiful sea and the fresh air which she could finally breathe instead of the musky old room she was in. She walked closer to the railing but tripped a couple of times as the ship was rocking. She had to grip the metal bars and when she finally got to the railing, she observed her surroundings to see if she could see land, but only the blue sea surrounded her for miles. She always read stories about the beach but had never seen the ocean as the area she lived only had lakes.

Suddenly, she heard loud voices shouting, "Find her! How could you let her escape!"

She knew that she had to escape or else these men would hurt her. She quickly ran in the opposite direction of the voices and ran down some rusty stairs which were very slippery and on both ends the sea was visible.

Without warning, the boat suddenly shook and she missed her footing. She screamed as she fell overboard into the cold water. She tried to fight the currents but she started swallowing too much water. She cried out for help but it was useless. She struggled as she began to sink and lose consciousness.


"Ahh!" Bree screamed as she awoke with fright. Her clothes were soaking wet. She looked around her to see what was going on to see a handsome man, who looked vaguely familiar. He was dressed in a suit and she believed he was the reason she was held captive.

"Glad you're awake." he said in a monotone.

He had a heavy Spanish accent and looked at Brianna with sharp squinting eyes.

" know you?" she asked freezing from the cold water which was splashed on her.

"Not in person, but I do know you."he said smirking.

"I've heard your voice before." Bree said trying to understand what exactly was happening.

"That you are correct. We've spoken to each other almost everyday for the last nine years, after I located you." he said and after silence for about a few minutes, Bree spoke up.

"How is that possible? The only man who knew me so well was.....Mr.Winchester....but I've only known him for seven years, when he married my nanny. I'm so confused?" Brianna said not understanding this situation at all.

"You're probably going to die soon so I might as well explain this to you, just so your soul can rest in peace but burn eternally in hell like your pathetic brother." he said causing her to get angry.

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