Pay Attention To Me

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"Do you really need another Dan?" Phil asked with a sarcastic tone. Dan always went a little overboard every time they drank, and of course Phil was always the one who had to take care of him. 

"Relax Phil. One more’s not gonna kill me." Dan waved him off, sauntering off to the kitchen and emptying his glass. He poured the alcohol in first, Phil watching as he filled up half the glass. He jumped up, shaking his head.

"That is way too strong Dan! Here.” Phil grabbed his glass and poured a little bit into his own, leaving a generous amount still in Dan’s. Dan smiled sheepishly at Phil, his eyes squinty and his body moving back and forth drunkily. 

"T-thanks Phil fooor always having my back." Dan slurred as he wrapped his arm around Phil’s shoulders. 

"Dan, I think you’ve had enough." Phil pulls his glass away from him, holding it out of his reach.

"Phil! Give it back!" Dan yelled, pulling down on his arm in an attempt to reach the glass. Phil pushed him back against the wall. It really took no effort to hold Dan back against it. Phil hadn’t seen Dan this drunk in a long time.

"Dan, you need to sober up a little." Phil said as he walked over to the sink poured the drink down, reaching in the cupboard for a clean glass. He poured in some water and handed it to Dan, who had slunk down onto the floor. Dan just shooed it away.

"Wha-what happened to you Phil? You used to be…" Dan burped. "…so much fun."

"What are you talking about? I’m still fun." Phil was a little hurt by the comment. Just because he didn’t drink like Dan did, he was a bore?

"You…never do anything with me anymore. We’ve b-arely fucked in weeks." Dan shook his head like a dog.

"Wanna fuck now then Dan?" Phil asked in an annoyed tone. He knew Dan would probably pass out before they were even naked.

"No…y-you probably wouldn’t even be good, it’s been so long for you." Dan slurred, his drunk brain trying to make Phil angry because he knew in the past they had the best sex after they had been fighting. It wasn’t blowing over so well though. 

"What the hell is your problem Dan?" Phil spat back, setting the glass down and heading to his bedroom. Dan tried to get up to chase after him, but he was struggling, barely making it off the floor before Phil was back in the kitchen. 

"W-wait. Wait Phil. Come help me." Dan begged, still trying to pick himself up.

"Help yourself. I’m going to get some air." Phil said as he opened the door. "And maybe some practice." Phil mumbled not so quietly. He wanted Dan to hear, not that he’d pick up on it anyway.

Then Phil left, leaving Dan to fend for himself in the apartment. He did feel a little guilty, leaving Dan alone when he was that drunk. But he had been that drunk so often lately, and he needed a break. And honestly, he needed some attention. 

So Phil went to the one place he knew he would get both, Charlie’s. He had made it to his place in no time, taking a deep breath as he knocked on the door. He hear a bit of shuffling and then the door opened, a surprised look on Charlie’s face as he realized who he was.

"Phil?! Charlie asked with a smile, wrapping his arms urgently around Phil’s neck and holding him tight. He was always excited to see him.

"Hey Charlie." Phil said in a low voice, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his waist. He loved how excited Charlie always was to see him. He hadn’t gotten that feeling with Dan in a really long time. 

They hugged for longer than socially acceptable, Phil finally pulling Charlie off gently. He smiled, his face lit up.

"Do you want to come in?" Charlie asked, his hand moving to Phil’s arm.

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