Chapter 23 - Unforgettable

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~ Chapter 23 ~

Pain and fear was etched into my skin Monday. Tempest saw it, but he knew there was nothing he could do. We had two days left with each other, and that's what keeps me going.

You're going to have to be able to move on from me, Zelda... Do I want you to? No. Do I need you to? ... Yes.

Our conversation from Saturday rang through my head clear as day. He kept telling me to move on despite how many times he told me he loved me, despite how many times we've made love-he's set in stone on me moving on.

I looked up at him as he watched his instructor. What will I do with out him?

"Live," he said lowly. He turned to me with sad eyes. "I want you to live."

"And leave you as just a memory?"

"Yes," he said with a sigh. "Because that's all you'll be to me." I snorted and crossed my arms.

"You're not gonna get rid of me that easily, Lord Tempest Draven. I've latched myself on to you and there is no running from me. I don't care if you die and are reincarnated into a pile of steamy shit you'll always be more to me than a memory." He smiled and chuckled a little.

"You're something else," he murmured. He leaned in to kiss me and groaned. "Why did I even come here?"

"Because you're trying to restrain yourself from always having sex with me," I said with a wink.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. I gasped. He just laughed and spoke. "It's a bit too late for that don't you think? I mean, we spent yesterday in bed, Saturday in bed, and Friday night in bed. I honestly can't see myself being able to go without sex from you at all-especially with your perfect surprise." I blushed.

"That was really embarrassing for me, okay? I was nervous out of my wits."

"How about this, after this lecture we head back and stay until Wednesday when Rex comes looking for me?" I laughed and shook my head.

"No way," I said. He pouted and I melted. Someone this attractive should never pout. "Okay, we can." He grinned. "But we're not going to have sex all day."

"Who said anything about having sex? I was thinking more of just watching you." I raised my brow. "You see, I've got to be careful with you, I don't want something strange happening and having you come up pregnant. I don't want you to have a child without me so I'm still on that page. I just... I love your company." I smiled. "I could watch you for hours without touching you, you fascinate me so."

I blushed. "You flatter me so," I muttered.

"I'm glad to." I just shook my head and smiled.

We didn't even make it out of the room before the instructor noted that we were supposed to go to the auditorium. I looked up at Tempest.

"Will everyone fit?" I asked.

"They will," he said clearly distracted.

"Why are we going?" I asked.

"We are not." He led me away from the crowd of creatures until we were stopped by a man I had only seen once in all my time at Night.

Headmaster Hugh was stunning as usual. He had his hands in his black slacks and cocked his head at Tempest and I before he raised a brow.

"You have a lot of explaining to do in a short amount of time, Tempest, time you don't have," Headmaster Hugh said with stern eyes. I guess it makes me happy that he's mean to everyone.

"I don't have to explain anything, Hugh," Tempest said lowly. "Now step out of my way."

"I think you've forgotten that you don't rule me, child. You answer to me, and believe me, I want answers." His eyes flickered to mine. "What is she to you or to any of the other Devils?"

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