Part 6

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"Well well well, what do we have here Mr. Purdy?" Andy asked.

Macie instantly scooted behind me which was really cute.

"You have a guy and a really cool chick, that's what you have." I said a little more confident than intended.

"Thank you Captain Obvious, didn't think I was going to be able to figure that one out, what's the little lady's name?"

"Macie" Macie and I said in unison.

I looked at her and just smiled. I never truly looked at her well enough to see how beautiful she was. I looked her up and down at least a million times. Until something caught my eye.

"Ash what's wrong?" Andy asked

I didn't realize I had started frowning until he had said something, and that everyone had gone to do their own thing.

"Oh, uh, nothing just thinking." I said giving a quick smile and putting my arm around Macie's shoulders.

Andy didn't believe my excuse but he went with it anyway. I whispered something in Macie's ear and she looked down and nodded, tensing up and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"So there's still a few things left to do, if you'd like to help because we have like...... 10 minutes before the party, that'd be amazing." Andy said and rushed out of the room yelling at CC for sitting on his ass.

I walked over to Jinxx who was in the kitchen getting food out of the fridge.

"Need help?" I asked

"Uh yeah can you grab that food platter and put it next to the other food on the table?" He said.

"Of course!" I cheered and grabbed the platter.

I followed Jinxx to the table and set the food down. I looked at Macie who was fidgeting with a hair tie that was on her wrist. I just 'hmphed" to myself and kept helping Jinxx.

Once I was done I found Macie talking with Jake about guitars. I smiled and walked up behind Jake and held a finger up to my lips to keep Macie quiet. I silently chuckled and jabbed Jake in the sides really hard and jumped forward, practically tackling Macie.

Jake just laid down groaning and laughing, holding his sides. Macie and I just stood there laughing and Jake flipped us both off.

"I fucking hate you Ashley." Jake half groaned, half laughed.

"Ahhh no you don't. Anyway, whatcha dooooing?" I said dragging out the 'o'.

"Currently? Or before you murdered my sides?" Jake asked.

"Before, silly!" I said trying to sound feminine.

"I was making sure everything looked fine and was in order, and talking to your girl there."

I started smiling and got butterflies when Jake said 'your girl'. I'm not sure why though, but it gave me a good feeling hearing it.

*Macie's POV*

"So, you and Ash, huh?" Jake asked.

"What about him?" I said, smiling at the fact he was being friendly to me.

"How did you guys meet?" He asked.

"Well at first I sent him a DM on Instagram yesterday..? and I saw him at the place I work at today and got his number. Then we texted a couple times and yeah." I said, feeling like I was babbling.

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