Back it up?

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I swirl her in the air, and she squeels in suprise.

She demands, "Put me down before someone sees you!"
I sigh, and lower her to her feet.
A gaurd walks by and shakes his head.

He growls, "Dumb kids. Playing in a prison."

I laugh.
If only he knew.

I glance at Amythest, and she does something shocking.

She tells me, "Grab your brother and follow me."
I heave my brother onto my shoulder, and follow her.

She takes me to a dorm setting.
She leads me into a vacant room with two beds.

She chirps, "Seeing as your agency now hates your blood, you can stay here. And yes, that man killed your dad."

I choke heavily on a molten substance I don't remember eating.

I cough it into the garbage.
It's black.
Not cool.

I tie it off, and snarl, "Truth potion. He tried to drug me."

Amythest snifs, "See, we don't drug each other. Or kill each other."

I glance around, and set my brother on a bed as a sign of acceptance.

I ask, "Where do I sign?"
She hugs me again, which is odd considering we were literally at each others' throats yesterday with swords.

I comment, "At least now we're on the same side. I just need to sway my sister and my team."

She nods, then growls, "Don't be too hopeful. Although... it did work on you."

I snap to look at her.
Shock covers me.
I demand, "WHAT?"
She shushes me.
She comments, "I gave you good food and accommodation for a reason. And don't tell me you weren't trying to sway me too."

I look down, guiltyness all over my smile.

I feel a light punch on my shoulder, and smile.
Fire lights over the contact point, then disolves.

I ask, "Wait, won't everyone try to kill me?"
She shakes her head, and pulls out a voice recorder.
She comments slyly, "Not after they hear this. Plus, I'll introduce you at the big anniversary of the agency tonight. They'll be delighted to have the last big mages on our side."

I nod, happy to feel accepted.
Then, a my dog appears beside me in a flash.
I hug him, and tell him to gaurd Oliver.

He nods, and hops onto the bed beside him.

I leave with Amythest beside me.
She asks, "So, wanna sneek in and get your stuff?"

I comment, "Why sneek? I just have to go get it from my aunties house."

She gapes, "You don't live there?"
I shake my head.

I walk to the teleportation booth, and Amythest follows me.
She states, "I'm coming."
I nod, and close the door to thd glass phone booth.
I punch in the area numbers, and a flash blinds me.
I'm in my aunts' antique phone booth?

We stumble out, and it locks behind us.

I grab my stuff from my room.

Unfortunately, I wasn't quite quiet enough.

My aunt barges into the living room with the phone booth as I'm loading my stuff in.

I snarl back, "Not enemy. Friendly. And I am not GEODE! I'm done with you hiding me!"

She looks shocked.
She calls my uncle, and he barges in.

She sniffs, "He says he's sick of being hidden. Yet, here he is sneeking around with an enemy freak like him."

I feel heat rebound off the cold energy bouncing off Amythest.

I simply say nothing to her, and stride into the glass booth with my friend behind me.

I shut the door, and begin dialing the numbers for home.


I see a flash, and feel a vibration, and open my eyes to see my new home again.
I haul my stuff to my room.

My brother is awake, and panicing.
He sees me, and calms down.
My dog rushes to me, and jumps up on me.
I push the euphoric mutt down.

My brother asks, "Where are we?"
Amythest appears beside me.

Then, something we never noticed catches my brothers' horrified eyes.
Hand cuffs split in the middle.

The cuffs hold onto my wrists, chain dangling between them.

I smile, not realizing what he was staring at.

He cries, "Why are you in handcuffs?!?"

I ask, confused, "I am?"

I look at my hands, and go, "Huh. Well, we were in prison for a while, but we got a major upgrade!"

He demands, "Phoinex? Who did you kill?"

I tell him the entire story.
He nods, and comments with wonder and a dangerous tone "I'm in."

Then, he sways, and sits down on the bed.

I comment, looking at the time, "Go to sleep. The anniversary crowd will understand. Now, we should get..."

Amythest scowls, and asks, "When did you have a shower last."


She sees my embarrassed face, and snaps her fingers whil pointing at the bathroom.

She throws a towel at my face as I start moving.
She calls, "MAKE IT QUICK!"


I stride out, dry and ready to go.

She snarls, "I said quick, Phoinex!"
I gesture in confusion.
She laughs, and I realize her sarcasm.
I sigh, and notice my brother is asleep again.

I smile, and we leave.

My trench coat blends in better here, and no one scowls as I walk by.
Although, most are headed the same way.

I look at my friend while looking down.
She understands the whole they can't reconize me yet thing.
Another thing she seems to get better than most.

One man stops us at a pair of double doors.
He's bigger than Oscar, and I imagine he could crush you to dust.

I show no emotion and look him in the eyes.

He tips my hat back.

He seems horrified as my entire face becomes visible.

My swords stick off my back t out of the collar.

He growls, "YOU!"

Amythest comes up beside me, and comments sweetly, "Let my friend through!"

He seems stunned.
I smile, until she grabs my arm and leads me around the big man.
I smile evilly , and look at the man under my hat.
He draws an angry breath, and lets us through.

We're greeted with a party scene, and I almost run back out.

Streamers, lights, food, and glowing decorations light the dark gymnasium.

I look at Amythest with wide glowing eyes.
I gape, "This is your anniversary party? This is amazing!"

She smiles, and leads me up to a big man talking to other large men in similar dress to me.

The man swirls around, and asks Amythest sweetly, "Yes sweetie?"

I flinch back, afriad of the anger that comes next.

Amythest comments bravely, "I wnat you to meet a good friend of mine! I'm sure you've met before!"

He looks at me and draws his breath sharply as he spots me glowing green cat eyes.

I'm dead......

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