The next mourning!

18 5 0

I wake up, and race around getting dressed.
It's six thirty am, and Oliver isn't even up yet.

My trench coat streams behind me as I rush about getting ready.
What happened last night? I know it was devistating.

I do a quick half turn and grab my swords.
I slip my trench coat off, revealing my dark rayonne fabric shirt.

I strap the swords on, and slip my coat back on.
I have a half hour still. Time to get a haircut.

I already had the appointment made, so I trot right in.
They drag me into a barbers chair.
A woman rushes out, seriousness all over her face.
White hair contrasts her dark skin tone and green eyes.

She puts one of those weird plastic things on me.

She delicately removes my hat, and I'm blinded by my own hair.

She grimaces, and gets to work.

Snip snip. Snip? Snip! Snip. Snip snip. Snip.

She asks, "So, when did you last..."
I finish her sentence, "Get a haircut? No clue."
She walks in front of me, and keeps cutting.

Snip! Snip! Snip. Snip snip. Snip.

She asks, "Why don't you..."
I once again finish her sentence, "Remove my hat? Well.... long story short there was an accident where I was caught... and well."

Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip.  Snip snip snip snip. Snip!

She looks on in horror.
She asks, "You don't seem the type to be easily caught."
I nod and reply, "It shouldn't have happened. Scientists caught me, and well... they decided they don't play nice."

Snip. Snip. Snip.
She looks at my hair closely, and notices it resembles shiny fur more than actual hair.

She gasps, "Your the spy who was attacked by his own agency! Wow, that must be rough."
I nod, and look into the mirror.
A brief swear later, and I'm staring at a stranger.
My hat is back on, and my hair  slides out across my forehead to my right ear.

I blink.
Who is that?

The hair dresser notice my shock, and undoes the weird plastic bib.
She declines the cash I offer her.
She comments, "The agency pays me."
Her smile hints that they pay her excellent amounts.

I nod, and thank her.

I take off out of the hairdressers, and straight for where Amythest told me to meet her.

I walk down the halls of the old castle.
I see torches everywhere instead of lightbulbs.
They flicker as I  walk past.
My coat streams out beside me, and I keep a keen eye out for ambush spots.

A gaint man notice my unease while gaurding a door.
He stops me, and growls, "Why so tense?"

I growl, "Have you ever been jumped in the halls? No? I though not. Now, let me past."

He scoffs,  "Where were you that some one jumped you in the halls?"
I snarl, heart burning with anger, "Deflo Agency. If you aren't careful you will be killed."
He growls, anger in his eyes, "The only ones who enter there are trait..."

I roar, heart booming, "I AM NO TRAITOR YOU FOOL! MOVE!"

He shuffles over, and I walk forward.
Amythest rushes up to me.

She looks at the man, and back at me.
She asks, "What did you do to move him? He stops everyone but me, my father, and your father."

I sigh, and comment, "I told him to move."
She blinks, and asks, "You yelled at him to move?"
I nod.
She leads me into a cafeteria.

She sits me down with her crew, minus my lazy brother.

The littler boy, Lio, asks, "Is he our new boss, Captian Incompitant?"

I take a sharp, and silent breath.

Amythest replies, "Yes, but I will still be over your head."
He groans, and I smile.

I ask, "So, how bad are these ones? I used to train people at my old place too, so I'm wondering how baddly they need training."

Amythest sees the amuzed and dangerous gleem in my eyes.

Her eyes echo it back as she sniffs, "They barely can walk quietly on carpet in slippers."
I feel shock roll off the crew.
I sit up striaght, and comment harshly, "That is unacceptable!"

A man wanders to our table, and stares in shock.
I reconize him as Oscar.
How did he even get in?

He cries, "Mr... Mr.... Geode! Mr. Geode! We're under attack by the Doof Agency!"

I stand up and twirl to face him.

I call over the breakfast crowd, "DAD! WE GOTTA GO!"

Oscar seems shocked.

Dad appears beside me, and I take off faster and quieter than most spys could dream.

I slam into the door, and it swings open silently.

They will pay for the years of grief they caused me and my father...


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