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Its a friday night and you still at the secret assasins office where you work. "Crazy titan bich" "yes (y/n) what do you need" i asked for printer ink 10 mins ago. "Oh sorry boss" tch people these days. "Here you go" good now go home so i can lock up." Yes ma'am". Oh and by the way dont call me ma'am "yes boss, have a good night". You finally lock up and get in your (f/c) ford truck.

(Le time skip brought to you by Sasha eating a potato)

Ahhhh finally home
(Why so serious)
Uhhhh atupid phone
"We need you to come to the main building" uhhh fine Erwin. (P.s Erwins your boss).

(Time skip brought to you by Eren using his menuvering gear wrong)

You give your truck to valet parking (a.k.a Eren)and walk inside and  to the elevator. You press level six to Erwins office and start flying upword.
You get to his office and knock on the door. "Come in" you walk in and sit on the couch in front of Erwins desk. What now Erwin "we have found your new target" and who may that be? "This horse upsessed guy named Jean, hes been sealing and killing horses all acrossed the state and we want your building to find him, ok (y/n)? Yes sir! "Good now go home and get some rest". Thank you sir. You go out side and get Eren to fetch your car.

(Time skip brought to you by monkeys flining fieces at markiplier)

You get home and hop in the shower and wash up. You get your fav kill la kill night clothes on and get a cup of red wine. You drink your wine and head  to bed.

Thats all for this chapter hope you liked it 😆😆😆new chapter coeing soon so kepp track of this story 😊😊😊😊

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