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unknown: hey I know it's been a while but I wanted to if you were doing okay

siyeon: I'm sorry, who is this?

unknown: it's me, Joshua

siyeon: Joshua?

siyeon: oh right! you're the barista at Cocoa's

siyeon: how did you get my number?

unknown: wait, is this Siyeon?

siyeon: yes

siyeon: wow, you even know my name

siyeon: last time I went to Cocoa's, you said Chiyoung

unknown: please tell me you're joking

siyeon: about the Chiyoung thing? that was weeks ago

siyeon: do you remember that?

unknown: siyeon, that happened 3 years ago

unknown: oh my god

unknown: did something happen to you?

siyeon: I'm perfectly fine although I was in a pretty bad accident not too long ago

siyeon: my doctor said that I lost about 2-3 years of memory

unknown: oh my god

siyeon: my mom did say I was in a relationship

siyeon: do you by any chance know who I was in a relationship with?

unknown: not that I recall

siyeon: oh, that's too bad

siyeon: she said I was really in love with him even though I never told her his name

unknown: oh

siyeon: I'm sorry I forgot about you, were we friends?

unknown: you can say that

siyeon: oh okay

unknown: well I got to go but I hope you recover well and have a good life

siyeon : thank you, I hope you have a good life too! ❤️

unknown: Even though you don't remember me anymore I just want you to know that I never stopped loving you Choi Siyeon

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