Chapter 12

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|2 months later|


I told Destiny that I got held back for a couple more days and she said it was fine but I could heard the sadness in her voice.

My plan was to surprise her. Sage, Naomi and I decided to make a plan. They're gonna be at the water park and I'm gonna show up and surprise her.

"Bro, how do you think it's gonna go?" Nate asked me. The other guys went home but Nate stayed and came with me since him and Sage are pretty close but Sage new he was coming.

I know right, 2 months ago Sage thought he was the biggest jerk and now they talk almost every single day.

"I'm hoping everything goes as planned." I smiled at the thought of seeing her after 2 long months.

"I can't wait to see Sage." I looked over at Nate as he was smiling as well.

We pulled up at the water park. We drove around to see if the girls were here and we found the car and then found a close parking spot.

To: Sage| where are you guys?

From: Sage| They went on the slides but I told them I had to pee so I'm waiting in the bathroom. Where are you guys?

To: Sage| We just parked. We're walking to the front now so come to the front and meet us.

From: Sage| alright I'm coming!

"She's coming." I took my pass out of my pocket and so did Nate. We let them see our passes then we walked in and waited by the front for Sage.

"Nate omg!" I heard Sage yell and I turned to the side and saw Sage hugging Nate.

"Hey Derek!" She came over to me to give me a hug.

"They're on that slide. Their waiting in line so they haven't come down yet." Sage pointed to the biggest slide in the park.

"She's crazy." I shook my head at how big the slide was. I can't believe she is going down that!

"Let's wait where she can't see us." Sage said and led us to the side of the slide to where we could see where they were but they couldn't see us.

After 15 minutes went by they were about to go down. We walked to the front where they got out and waited for them to come down.


"Oh my god! I'm starting to freak out." Naomi said as we sat down in the tube.

"Naomi calm down. It's gonna be fun!" I said sitting in back of her on the tube.

"I love how I'm in the front too." She covered her eyes as we waited for the guy to say it was alright for us to go.

"It's your first time, you need to be in the front." I said laughing.

"Alright ladies." The guy said while pushing us down the slide.

It was a slide with a lot of twists and bumps and it was really high so it was a long way down.

"Bitch! Oh my god! Destiny I'm gonna fucking kill you." Naomi said which made me laugh.

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