Chapter 21

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I was laying in bed waiting for Derek to call me so that I could go pick him up from the airport. I was watching Friends and I was enjoying the quietness.

Sage went out early this morning for some type of tour and let me tell you, she was so hyped up for it. I've never seen her like that in all the years I've know her.

Knock knock knock knock

I was startled by someone's loud knocking at the door which scared the shit out of me. Was Sage back already? That was like the shortest tour.

I got up from my bed and walked to the hotel door. I flung the door open and didn't even check to see who was standing there because I knew it was Sage.

"You literally left like an hour ago." I said slightly laughing. I walked back into my room and she didn't say anything. I heard a bunch of bags drop on the floor so I went to check to see what shopping she's done.

"If I had known you were goi-" I walked to the doorway to be stopped in my tracks. It wasn't Sage that came in, it was Derek. How stupid could I be? Now I feel like a rude bitch.

"Derek! Oh my god I didn't know it was you." I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He held me up as I felt him rub his hand up and down my back.

"I'm so sorry. I just figured it was Sage coming back from her little tour of Italy so I didn't bother-"

"I wanted to surprise you." I pulled my face from the crook of his neck and kissed him. I haven't kissed him in a couple days but it felt like forever. I missed his lips dearly.

"I was waiting for that." He chuckled at me. He put me down and I helped him take his bags into me and Sage's room. Wait, where's Sage gonna stay now? I didn't plan this out very well.

"Just put it over here cause Sage's things are here too. I didn't plan this out very well." I said putting his bag in the corner of the room.

"Where's everyone sleeping?" Derek asked laying his other bag next to the one in the corner.

"I haven't thought about it. I literally forgot about sleeping arrangements." I sat on the bed and took my phone out to call Sage.

After talking to her and figuring that since my cousin Isabelle was coming that her and Sage could room. They're really good friends so it's not like it would be awkward.



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Now that everyone was here we decided that we should go to the club. I was wearing a black tube top with black shorts with a jean shirt that reached right below my butt. Topped it off with black leather knee high boots and a black clutch.

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