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The beeping blares in my ear, just like it does every morning. If I had a sledge hammer I could chop the damn thing right in half but I only press the button to shut it off before it wakes up anymore of my family.

I slide my limp body out of bed and chuck my feet into my fuzzy, worn down slippers. As I walk out of my room I find my mum asleep on the couch with an empty wine glass setting on the table beside her. This was usual and happened every morning. I snatch the glass up and slipped a pillow under her head while I pulled the blanket up to her chin. She stirs a bit and groans but soon gets comfortable. I sip out the bit of red wine that was left in the bottom. After all that I put the glass in the dish washer and make myself a bowl of oatmeal. My mind is hardly thinking properly when I go in to check on my dad. He's still in bed, well who am I kidding he's always in bed. I shake him awake lightly.

He shoots up, his eyes on alert like an insane animal. "What! What! What is it!" He shouts, I rest my hand on his shoulder reassuring him that it's only me, then I slowly push him back onto the bed.

"Nothing dad, your pills" I hold out a handful of different colored and shaped pills that he takes every morning before I go to work and school. The only problem with them is that they make him tense, jittery, anxious, and depressed. So every morning when I do wake him up he nearly jumps out of bed because the pills make him scared of everything. I'm also pretty sure they give him nightmares. That could just be my thoughts but it would explain why he wakes up screaming his lungs out for no reason in the middle of the night.

He looks at them before grabbing a glass of water that sits on his night stand waiting for him to drink it. "Thanks" he sighs, I dump the pile of pills in his hand and watch him take each one of them. His hands shake with pain every time he reaches to pop another one in his mouth. Sometimes if I'm not watching him he will try to stash them in odd places, in between the mattress, in his shoes that he never wears, in holes that he has cut out of books, but he stashes them for awhile and then will try to take them all at once. He try's to kill himself. He's done it plenty of times and I've caught on to his little scheme. So now I watch him take them before leaving the room. I also check regularly around his room just to make sure he isn't hiding anything.

After he finishes I let him take one last gulp of water before taking it to rinse it out. I walk into the kitchen almost forgetting about my oatmeal. So I turn off the stove and spoon it into a large bowl. Eating it as quickly as possible. Shoveling in spoonful after spoonful.

I'm just about through when I look at the clock. I know if I don't hurry I'm sure to be late for work. I set my dads empty water cup and my bowl into the sink. I rush to my room, my feet carrying me as fast and quietly as they can.

My closet is messy, just like the rest of this house, but I pick out the cleanest looking uniform I can find. School requires them. The schools in London have always been so strict.

I used to only work a single job, washing dishes for one of the local bakery's, but now I work three. I wash dishes for all of them. I still work at the same bakery but I also work shifts at an Italian restaurant and a fast food joint. I'm the only one working for my family so I need to bring in as much money as possible, my dad needs it.

So soon I'm dressed and have pulled my hair into the required bun for my fist shift at the bakery. My ex best friend Harry used to work at the rival bakery for the one I work at. Frankly I think the bakery Harry worked for was much cleaner and definitely got more business. I don't like to think about him anymore. Harry. I've tried to forget about him as much as I can and it's been working out pretty well, my jobs and home life keep my mind pretty busy. Although it didn't help that after he left for the Xfactor the only thing my friends could talk about was him, I couldn't take it anymore so eventually I stopped talking to them. I don't talk to anyone anymore, I go to work, then school, then work, come home, take care of my family and then do it all over again. It's routine now.

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