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January 18, 2016
----->sadness takes over
even when you think you're okay, somehow something will find a way to try to make you feel different, worse than ever. you have a choice whether you let it get to you or not. sometimes you have no energy left to fight it off & you surrender. after you surrender the darkness takes over your body you've become someone different, unrecognizable. you just go where the darkness takes you. sometimes it's to the gates of hell, or that person that broke your heart, but other times it takes keeps you where you currently are laying: on your bed in silence. just sit there motionless, wondering the hell you've done to yourself. you find yourself creating lines w/ red across your thighs & wrists. realizing you've now created scars. you regret not trying harder. you wanted to tell your bestfriend so badly about how sad you are, but you don't want to hurt them. you are afraid of disappointing them. i'm sorry for disappointing you, just know I tried my best, & I love you.

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