1- Darling You'll Be Okay

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Stella's POV

"Stella? Stel, where are you?" Jack called me.

"You would think somebody would have checked my room before screaming throughout the entire apartment to find me, but nope apparently not." I yelled down the hall.

Not to my surprise, Jack walked in 15 seconds later with Alex behind him.

"Hey, Alex and I are going to go so lock the doors, and don't leave the lights on if you go to sleep before I get back."

"Jack, I'm 21 I think I can fend for myself okay? Have fun. I'm pretty tired so tell me how it went tomorrow morning k?" I walked over and gave Jack a quick hug.


"Hey Stella. I need you. Come over now." I got a text from Alex waking me up.

Why the hell is he texting me at 2 am?

"Sure. I'll be right over" I texted back.

Come on, I can't say no to my best friend.

About 15 minutes later I had arrived at the Gaskarth residence. I had a key so I just walked in.

"Stella!" Alex came running over attacking me in a hug. I reluctantly hugged back. What's going on?

"A-Alex you're crushing me" he let go and looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I asked grabbing his arm leading him over to his sofa. Alex looked at me for about 30 seconds before breaking down sobbing.

"Sh sh sh it's okay, it's okay" I cooed rocking with Alex in my arms.

"I-it's my m-mom Stel. She h-has can-cancer" Alex sobbed.

Oh my god.

"She'll be okay Alex. She will! She's gonna have great doctors to look after her and make her healthy again." Frankly, I don't have any idea if any of that's true. But if it made Alex feel better.

"Thanks Stella. Sorry for waking you up. I just needed someone. Victoria is visiting her parents."

I felt a sudden pang of jealousy when he said Victoria. Was I actually jealous of my best friends girlfriend?

No I couldn't be! I love Victoria!

"Oh." Was all I could say in response.

I've known Alex for 8 years, I can't.

"Stella!" Alex snapped in front of my face.

I jolted up. Crap I spaced out again.


"Alex?" I asked

"Yeah?" Alex looked at me his eyes still puffy.

"Why did you call me?"

"Because... I know that any hour of the day. Or any day of the week you are always here for me. And that's why I'm so lucky to have you." Alex hugged me again.

-------------- Next Morning-------------

I was woken up by a farmilliar voice coming through my phone.

Can a girl sleep through one night without being woken up?

"Jack is the best big brother ever and I would do anything for him" my ringtone set for Jack was actually Jack saying that in a high-pitched voice trying to sound like me.

"Hello?" I asked.


"Jack! Jack, calm down" I heard him sigh.

"I'm at Alex's, he called me last night. I didn't want to bother you so I just left. I thought I would make it back in time but I fell asleep." I explained quietly trying not to wake Alex.

"Why on earth did Alex call you at 2 in the morning?"

I sighed. Jack was close to the whole Gaskarth family. I can't tell him he'll be crushed.

"I'll tell you when I get home. I don't think you'll want me to tell you now."

"Here, Stella I'll tell him." Wow I didn't even realize Alex wake up. I handed him the phone.

Hey, Jack it's Alex. Stella is going to take a shower I'll explain." Alex pointed towards the bathroom.

I quickly mumbled a thank you before walking in and looking at myself in the mirror. God I looked hideous. My makeup was everywhere, I looked like a panda. My hair was sticking up in all different directions. I stripped down and got in the shower. Was I supposed to use the shampoo? I don't want to smell like a guy though. Whatever.


Title: Hold On 'Til May - Pierce The Veil

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