Three .

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Can't be a hoe forever.

Chapter three.

"How many?" The pretty waitress from Denny's asked me.

"Two." I held up my freshly manicured nails.

"Right this way."

As the waitress guided me to my booth, I pulled out my iPhone and texted Natalie making sure she was on her way ..

To: Sissy 👯🤑💕
Bitch you better really be on your way. I have to know what's going on. I'm already seated hurry up!

From: Sissy👯🤑💕
Shut up cunt. Pulling in now!

Locking my phone, I watched her park in her 2014 4-series matte black bmw. "I love that car." I thought to myself as she walked in.

Hugging, we sat down then waved the waitress over to order.

"So what was so urgent?" I asked showing her the fresh paint, still wet on my nails.

"This!" She slapped an document envelope on the table.

"What's that?" Grabbing the envelope, I began to grab the papers .. It was pictures of the night. Pictures of me and Natalie leaving the hotel, pictures of my husband. There were even pictures of Natalie's clients.

"It's time for you to tell me what you did Layla." Natalie said seriously and quietly.

I placed my face in my hands. Taking a deep breath. "Okay sis. Not here though."

"After food we can go to Slays. I closed it down early so no worries."

"Your GM ain't there?" I asked.

"No she's laid up with that married man." Natalie laughed.

"You ain't shit for laughing." I giggled out.


"Sorry sis. It's a mess." Natalie apologized about her office.

"Shut up it's not bad." I sat down waiting for her to do the same. "You comfortable yet?" I joked as she tried to clean up quickly like I even cared that much.

"Shut up. I'm just turning off the camera. Go head dude."

"Where do I start .. So you know how we was busting moves?"


"Well I was tired, after being robbed, raped and so much more. I was tired of it. Like dead ass we couldn't be whores forever." I mustard out.

"Why don't you just say hoes.. You always say whores." Natalie scuffed rolling her eyes.

Ignoring her smart comment, I continued. "Anywho. Well Crim was on some funny shit. Like I knew better than to trust him. So when he sent me on that move to Lites house, I had to come up with a plan. Shit, lite always leaves his money, jewelry and so forth everywhere so I knew I was good."

"Okay and?" Natalie is obviously confused at this point.

"Well so Lite wanted to get some liquor so we got the Henny. I poured his glass and put the pm pills in it. I fucked him to sleep.. And started raiding the house. Throwing any and everything valuable in the bag."

"So where did the blood come from?" She questioned me with her arms crossed.

"That's the thing, he woke up somehow." I began Picturing that moment all over again.

"Layla you killed him?" Natalie's eyes were wide as all could be.

I started to cry. "I had to. I couldn't let that be our life anymore. It was his death or mine." I confessed in between sniffles.

"It's okay I understand.. So what's that envelope about then?" She comforted.

"It's our pictures from that night. Which I can't figure out how they got them." I begin to wonder.

"Call the number." Natalie pointed out. Without a second thought, I began to dial the number attached to the pictures.

"Hello?" I said confidently. I be damned if anyone heard the amount of fear in my voice.

"Hey mami." Crims voice spoke, causing chills from my neck to my toes.

"I'm guessing you got my message." He continued.

"Yea so what do you want Crim?" Having no more time, I was Getting straight to the point.

"I would love you and Nat."

"Not gonna happen next?"

"Five hundred thousand. A quarter million. Friday!" He spoke' next hanging up.

Can't be a HOE forever Where stories live. Discover now