Hi there! Yeah, It's a tag aginnnn...sorry *holds ears* It's up to u to do it or not... sooooo..u gotta write 5 facts about the opposite gender u ENVY.. Here go my facts:
1. Boys don't really give a shit about anything. They are so carefree.. on the very same matter,girls can be like
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And boys:
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2: Don't laugh on this one...lol...A thing I really envy about boys is...*ahem ahem* THEY CAN TAKE OFF THERE SHIRT ANYTIMEEEEEEE!! Like really! Argh ...We girls are stuck to wear the traditional clothes all the time...😑
3. Boys can go out anytime of the day! At mignight or afternoon... without any prior permission too! 😡😡
4. They can be professional national CRICKETERS!! like seriously duh! U gotta join the cricket team if u r a boy...😂😂 I'd do that for sure if I were one!
5. Ummm...They don't have much responsibilities like chores mom gives to daughters only.They only have to bring dahi(yogurt) from the milk shop.. 😒😒
SO...I am tagging u all again...Bear with me.*points fingers* YOU...YES YOU FOLLOWED ME... 😂😂 Shouldn't I tag boys for this??