Part 8

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Ruthless Obsession

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Ruthless Obsession

"Heyy lathika.... Nivaan sir wants to meet you now...!!  Just be calm and explain him the reason for being late..."
.......said jayanth and  patted her shoulder.

"What...!! Oh god... i think this is my last day in this office..."
.....she said and made a sad face and strted walking towards the 1st floor breathing heavily..

Lathika is now standing infront of Nivaans cabin and touched her both the cheeks and prayed god  to save her this tym.

Lathika: may... may i come in sir...?!
Nivaan : yes... get inside...

Hearing this cold voice of Nivaan.., lathikas last hope was also gone now and she stood at the same spot in his cabin lyk she stood on her first day..

Nivaan :  Miss. Menon..,  explain the reason for being late for the important meeting today..!!
........asked Nivaan.., without looking at this girl infrnt of him and being all busy in sipping the hot coffee frm his mug.

Lathika  was all sweating now..,bt stillmanaged to reply..

Lathika : sir... it was raining outside when i was abt to strt  for the office today.., and

......she adjusted her glassess and closed her eyes saying the nxt lines..

"And  i have a phobia... i have this great fear of rain and  i cant get out of it even after trying many tymes..."
......she finally said.., and  after 2minutes as she didnt get any rply frm Nivaan...,she opned her eyes slowly..


Nivaan is now looking into this girl vth puzzled face and questioning eyes...

Nivaan : you may go Lathika...

......said Nivaan and strted to focus on his desktop again.


Outside the cabin

Jayanth : lathika... u ok?? Did Nivaan sir scolded you again..?  Y are u looking soo shocked??

Lathika : sir.., Nivaan sir didn't said a word to me... he just said to go..  i think I'm gonna lose my job...
.......she said and sat on her chair.., making a sad face.

Jayanth was abt to console her and just then he got a call frm Nivaan to see himin his cabin..


In Nivaans cabin

" Jayanth...,  i need to know abt this lathika menon...  where she lives.., her family background and her every detail...!!
Is it possible..??!!"
...... said Nivaan and stood up watching the rain outside wich became more heavy now.

"Umm..yes sir...its mandatory to enquire abt the employee background if we have any doubt... i will  give all the details by an hour sir...!!"
.......said jayanth.., and left the cabin..

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