Chapter 2

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Their leader was about two heads taller than she was, nearly towering over her up close. He had the same blue-grey skin as the others, but was more humanoid in terms of structure. One might say there was an almost vampiric quality to his appearance. He had amber eyes with scarlet irises, and a pointed nose tipped with a shade of light red, like a birthmark of some kind. The pelt of a bat was draped over him like a cloak, and he wielded a cudgel as his weapon.

Before the girl even had a chance to react, that cudgel was already pressed up underneath her chin, followed by a comment. "A little far from home, mh?" The leader said as he studied her. "Didn't anyone tell you it's dangerous to wander about? You could be killed." Though his tone was not one of concern. He and his goons would probably be rather delighted to take part in her demise.

"Who... who are you...?" She asked, cringing as she did so.

Shocked, the guards positioned themselves in an attack stance, pointing their lances in her direction. Their boss must have been quite a well-known figure for them to be offended by her question.

But he didn't mind introducing himself. "I am Mandrake, king of the Boggans and harbinger of Rot." He answered, pulling his staff away from her throat. "You have trespassed in our territory, and for that you shall receive punishment."

Ordinarily, this would cause her to panic. But as she listened, she found herself becoming somewhat relaxed at the sound of his voice. He spoke with a very distinct accent, a perfect blend of German and Austrian. Something about it was highly soothing to her ears.

"Fortunately for you, I'm feeling considerably benevolent today. A sickening sentiment, but your execution will have to wait."   He motioned to one of the larger Boggans, who proceeded to grab the girl by the wrists and force them behind her back, as if she was about to be handcuffed. "Until then, we'll keep you in the dungeon."

She watched him and the others fade out of focus as she was dragged away and taken inside the hollowed-out stump. "What is this place?" She asked. It was just as hauntingly fascinating inside as it was on the out.

"Wrathwood," her overseer replied, continuing to push her along, "Boggan kingdom. Your kind not belong here." When they reached the dungeon, which was nothing more than a hole with a single "cell", he shoved her in and set up the bars. Sturdy, poison-tipped twigs. "Lord Mandrake kill little Jinn girl when he ready."

A look of confusion spread across her face. What did he just call her? "My name is Beatrice," she informed him, "and I'm not a-" but he was already gone. She sighed and leaned back against the damp dirt wall, pondering what was to become of her. Perhaps my curiosity really will be the death of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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