Lu Chang smiled sweetly seeing a cute little kid were playing merrily along with her servants not far from him who was sitting on a bench in the lily pavilion.
"You're pretty brave to smile as sweet as it aside for me"
"Jing!" Lu Chang shocked to hear the voice that floated so soft in his ears, and he was completely unaware since when the figure of Jing had stood beside him
"I'm just seeing Shui Er" he added
"With that kind of look?" Jing teased
"Geez! You think who you are jealousing of? Shui Er is your daughter! And she is only 3 years old cute girl!"
"I'm just not happy to share you with others, even though the toddler" Lu Chang quite knew himself like what a possessive nature of Xuan Yuan Jing. He just stared at Jing unbelievably for this time, Jing got jealous of his own daughter? This was outrageous!
"I need to 'talk' to you right now", Jing whispered to Lu Chang's right ear seductively
"Come" said Lu Chang in short, turned left and left Jing in lily pavilion not far from Jing's royal chamber.
Jing stared into Lu Chang's back with one eyebrow raised, surprised. How unusual, the Lu Chang who uphold the dignity to easily gave up and applied so obedient to Jing. Typically, Lu Chang would utter some reasons like 'its still the middle of the day' or 'what about your morning routine court?' Although in the end he could never win against the ego of Emperor Jing.
It was not Jing if he didn't know what was bothering Lu Chang. He -Jing- was the source of all the circumstances that currently experienced by Lu Chang, he was the only person who determined the life of Lu Chang, held the destiny line in his hand so arrogant. Jing knew if his favourite former bandit had always been fall on the valley of desolation and feared of the future of their relationship while he was alone. The feeling was so melancholy when he was remembering all that past and considering what would happen.
Yes, Jing didn't promise anything to Lu Chang. But he knew what he should do to make Lu Chang remain at his side. That was all Jing could do for Lu Chang, certainly in his own way that was filled with intrigue. He didn't need to show anybody including Lu Chang how his effort and strength.
Lu Chang increasingly pressed his eyes closed and rubbed Jing's back passionately to feel Jing's movement more intense inside of him. His lower lip even getting red and wet from his hard bit, prevented the voices that might came out of his mouth.
Actually, he no longer cares if his voice could be heard by guards or servants who stationed out there because they were all already understand what the Lord and His Majesty done if it had only both of them inside the royal chamber. But, once again Lu Chang esteem wouldn't allow that to happen during the day like this.
Lu Chang had almost reached his limit if only Jing didn't stop all his movements. With his eyes still closed and panting, Lu Chang easily could find if Jing lowered himself and he could feel the strands of Jing's long hair rubbed his cheek.
"Xiao Chang, how long it takes for you to understand?" Jing said softly
Opened his eyes, Lu Chang could see the eyes as calm as a lake right above his, even he could see his reflection there, the weak and messy figure. The reflection that even himself didn't know until when were in there.
"Jing, why did you stopped?" Lu Chang knew the meaning behind Jing's question.
He was already well aware that he wouldn't be able to hide the slightest thing from the eyes of Xuan Yuan Jing. He just didn't want to discuss things like that in an emergency situation like this, this bastard really test my patience! He loved to tease him, Lu Chang knew if this moment Jing wouldn't release him if Lu Chang didn't beg to him.
"Tell me you will no longer think about it" just right! Exactly the same with Lu Chang's mind
"Jing, come on. Let me go."
"Not before you tell me" Gezz! Lu Chang knew he wouldn't win this game, there was no other option and no way out other than beg and asking Jing to release it. Shit! Where did the power of Lu Chang disappear if he was in front of Jing?
"All right all right! I won't-- argh!!"
Suddenly and without warning Jing moved and hit sweet spot inside Lu Chang's. Uncomfortably, Lu Chang began to feel his lower abdomen to tighten, and with a little touch from Jing, Lu Chang finally released all of his desires with his mouth sealed tight with Jing's. After a moment, Jing continued to move to freed himself, not long he reached his highest pleasure and pulled himself out of Lu Chang, lay beside Lu Chang with a hand behind his head. There was no fatigue expression from Jing's facial, in contrast to Lu Chang even still busy managed his own breath.
"They said Lady Changying just give birth a daughter"
This was not the first time Lu Chang heard the news about the birth of Jing's children. And also not the first time that Jing mentioned the name of his concubines or a tribute he'd just get in front of Lu Chang. Yeah, Lu Chang knew if Jing just being truthful to him, everything.
As someone who decided to live with Jing, Lu Chang was well aware of the consequences. Jing was an Emperor, which controlled all of the nations from his palm of his hand was not the personal assets he could have alone. Jing had his own responsibilities as a rule of the nation to pass the throne, and it was absolute even Jing could not refuse. Yeah.. even he had Zheng -his twin- but Jing wouldn't run away and delegate such responsibility to him.
"Hm .. Congratulations" said Lu Chang shortly
"You're ... not thinking to be like them, right?"
"Bastard! You're playing with me Xuan Yuan Jing!! I will rip your mouth!!" Jing chuckled at Lu Chang's cute reaction.
One way to raise the good mood of Lu Chang from the valley of gloom seemed little success. A little! Yes just a little .. Since the first time they decided to be together, Jing knew very well that his Lu Chang so hated how Jing called him with feminine designation, considered as concubine or whatever it was called. Even Lu Chang bluntly refused to wear cloths that Jing deliberately gave to him with phoenix embroidery -which was actually the symbol of an Empress- and prefer to wear ordinary clothes. His pride as a warrior could be wounded because of it.
"If you become like them, it will be interesting" said Jing with a slight smile
Lu Chang could only glance at him sarcastic, "You! Just keep imagining your bullshit thing and I will return to my residence!"
Lu Chang moved and got out of bed, picked up his clothes which were scattered on the floor and put them on again. Tightened his hair, Lu Chang started to walk away from the royal chamber toward the residence of the Marquis. But, after a step away Lu Chang felt his wrist was detained and he turned his head just to meet with Jing's deep eyes who was still leaning casually on the bed.
"Now what?" He asked
"I remind you. You are NOT allowed to have anything like that" sounded calm indeed, in a low tone but the words were so full of pressing and clearly heard in Lu Chang's ear
"Tch!" With a hard push, Lu Chang released Jing's grip on his wrist and quickly leave.
Upset, he didn't even notice the mysterious smile on the beautiful face of Jing.
"You don't need to remind me, I already know that stupid!" Lu Chang's heart said
No one could tell anything in Lu Chang's mind right now, actually recalled Jing's ultimatum made his cheeks flushed at once.
Every day, Lu Chang who lived in the Marquis residence -it was located outside the royal palace area- must be willing to go back and forth to the royal palace and his residence only to accompany Jing. Every morning he would be picked up by Jing's guards and returned in the evening. Yeah,.. In fact, he was a Marquis and because of it he couldn't enjoy the freedom to roam like he used to be when he was a bandit in Hangzhou days ago. His title as Marquis and as ahem Emperor's male lover made him unable to move freely because each pair of eyes from royal ministers would always watching him, they intended to find Lu Chang's weak point. And other than that, he was not allowed to go anywhere without Jing's permission.
As of this moment, Lu Chang just sat casually and enjoy a cup of tea in the pavilion where he usually waiting for Jing to finish his routine activities as an Emperor. He knew Jing held such a big responsibility and he had a big integrity for his job aside of the 'terrible nature' he always showed. No matter how long Lu Chang sat there waiting for him, Jing wouldn't abandon his responsibility as an Emperor and definitely wouldn't allow Lu Chang to interfere with his job, but somehow Lu Chang found this side of Jing was very impressive and adorable.
"Hung?" Propped his chin with his legs crossed, Lu Chang found the very same view as before right in front of his eyes again not far from the pavilion. Shui Er and her servants.
"Ah! She is so sweet, her skin so white like Jing" Lu Chang chuckled
"Can I play with her? Ah! Jing's concubines probably won't let me touch their child" inner Lu Chang said
Suddenly Lu Chang remembered something, his brothers in Hangzhou maybe they were enjoying good times right now, had a family and children was very possible for them. He remembered the childish Cao Xin even got married few years ago. Although they were all now became an official members of the Imperial and stayed at the official residence provided in Hangzhou, Lu Chang still couldn't visit them frequently. Thanks to Jing for his extreme doted toward Lu Chang!
"Uhm .. Maybe this time Cao Xin's child has the same age as Shui Er" Lu Chang giggled again
Again, the melancholy expression showed on Lu Chang's handsome face. He had a little thought, that time he almost got married to a beautiful lady and had a family like a normal men usually did. But the vivid image where Jing knelt down and held his feet with eyes full of tears as he pleaded to him to return to his side, made Lu Chang's heart tremble with sorrow -one sight even the whole world didn't know if the heartless Jing had that kind of side-. But because of that Lu Chang realized his beloved Jing gave him a special place somewhere in his heart.
"If only I know earlier that I will come back to you, I don't need to cut my hair" Lu Chang chuckled lightly
Meanwhile, leaned on a big pillar not far from the pavilion Jing crossed his arms in front of his chest. With a slight smile on his lips he was very very enjoyed every little change on Lu Chang's outstanding appearance. Instead of jump and hug Lu Chang right know he deliberately let Lu Chang wait longer even though he had finished with his Empire activities, he just want to see how hard Lu Chang desperately rethink about it. Raised a hand without taking his eyes from Lu Chang, Jing ordered someone to approach.
"Mu Yue about my orders ..."
"Yes, Your Majesty, the servant has sent a message and maybe its still on the way. Any further orders?"
Mu Yue asked again
But without gave an answer, Jing waved his hand to tell Mu Yue he could leave his place. Bent with clenched fists, Mu Yue returned to his duty
"Why else again I caught up on this couple silly game" Mu Yue complained.
For him, who was an imperial commander to accomplish such silly orders and played along in this stupid game was very ridiculous but he couldn't really protest to Jing since he was Jing's confidant and childhood friend, that's why he knew everything about Xuan Yuan Jing's nature even the bad one.
"Brother!" Lu Chang almost dropped the cup he was holding when he heard a familiar voice behind him.
Hurriedly he turned his head and he shocked because the unusual view in front of his eyes. What the fuck was this? Was it true that Cao Xin and .. Ah! Lu Chang thought it would be his wife and son. Wait! Why the hell they were here in his Marquis residence?!
"Cao Xin you ..." Lu Chang stared at their presence in disbelief expression
"My wife and I have something to do in Tong'an. And I plan to entrust Cao Lie here" Cao Xin smiled innocently
Lu Chang rounded his eyes perfectly heard Cao Xin's words. Although Cao Xin was older than Lu Chang, he still didn't change to be a bit mature in his attitude and read the state, this stupid brother of his wouldn't know how stupid his request right now. Cao Xin knew exactly how was Jing's character when it comes to Lu Chang even he had witnessed jing's indefferent nature who didn't even hesitate to drew his sword on Lu Chang's neck and now he was asking this ridiculous thing? Even the foolish person knew when they should stop!
"Are you crazy?! What about Jing?" Lu Chang asked, raised his voice
"Just for a day .. Tomorrow I'll take him back"
"Why dont you just take your son with you?!" Lu Chang asked again
"I can't! It's urgent business and I can't bring him with me"
"Then why don't you leave him in Hangzhou, there are Xiao Sang and others who can accompany him" said Lu Chang flatly
"Eh?! That.. That.."
"Please brother, I beg you" Cao Xin pleaded
Maybe this was a chance he could spend his time with one of his family. It almost two years since Lu Chang didn't visit Hangzhou, and maybe this time his luck a little bit better. About Jing, Lu Chang would think about it later.
"Hah .. Okay okay. Let him stay here tonight. But remember! Tomorrow I will send people to escort Cao Lie to the border of Tong'an. About Jing, I'll make a deal with him later"
Stared Cao Xin's sparkling eyes made a smile appeared on Lu Chang's handsome face. Of course he was not going to let Cao Xin's smile turned into tears of misery the next morning. Yes! Not without reason why not himself who drove Cao Lie to the border or told Cao Xin to pick up his son at his residence, if Jing knew and met Cao Xin even Lu Chang couldn't guess what kind of punishment his beloved Jing would give to Cao Xin. And such scary and uncertain punishment, how could Lu Chang let Cao Xin experience that.
After Cao Xin and his wife left his residence, now there were only Lu Chang and Cao Lie there. Lu Chang even gave a stern warning to the servants so as not to tell Jing about this. But Lu Chang pretty sure, at this time that Jing already knew about it and Lu Chang didn't think about what he would say to Jing.
"Uncle Lu I'm hungry" Cao Xin said, pulled Lu Chang hand
"Hum? Well .. Uncle will ask the maid to get you a meal. Wait a minute" signaled the maid, Lu Chang gave the command to fetch the boy a set of lunch.
Stared at the cute face of Cao Lie, Lu Chang started to enjoying their time alongside the boy. Round face and chatter typical of small children made Lu Chang's heart hooked. If only every day there would be a child here talked to Lu Chang happily like this, maybe he would feel more alive. Ah .. Again Lu Chang's mind drifted to that issue again.
At first, Lu Chang did think like that, but after a day with Cao Lie, Lu Chang began to complain. Never crossed his mind, took care of a child like Cao Lie could really troublesome and tiresome. Each time he continued to call Uncle Lu this Uncle Lu that and asked for everything, this kid definitely made Lu Chang couldn't relax at all. Ah! Lu Chang even realized he had not seen Jing all day long.
"Xiao Lie! Stop running like that, uncle Lu tired of chasing you" Lu Chang said, sat on the floor and stared Cao Lie who busily ran around the room
"Uncle Lu such a looser! Dad said uncle Lu is a great martial artist and incomparable, just chasing me and you already tired?" shit! Lu Chang felt the muscles on his face tightened. This kid .. Cao Xin what kind of lesson you taught to your son?! Lu Chang inner annoyed
"Xiao Lie, it's night you must go to bed. Otherwise, tomorrow uncle will not take you to your father!" Joked, Lu Chang threatened the kid
Suddenly Chao Lie stopped, looked at Lu Chang with pleaded eyes and ...
"Uncle Lu !!! Huaaaa you evil!"
And well... Another foolish action that Lu Chang did today...
After passed the long day and the various ways, Lu Chang finally managed to calm down Cao Lie. Now the boy was sleeping peacefully in his arms. Sighed of relief, Lu Chang rubbed Cao Lie's back before put him down into his bed. Pulled the blanket, covered Cao Lie's little body, Lu Chang also began to sleep beside the boy. His cute round face indeed very adorable. But really! Lu Chang was very tired right now. Gave him a break! That was enough for him to become a guardian of a child today, never again! Ah! he was shocked by his own thought. So, this what it feels like taking care of a child? Closed his eyes and hugged Cao Lie, Lu Chang was trying to make himself fall asleep tonight.
"Jing, I miss you"
--- *** ---
Lu Chang felt he had to be at his limit, he wouldn't be able to endure this kind of torture anymore if it more than this. Lived by Jing's side for many years made him unconsciously immersed himself to Jing's world deeply. All day long took care for Cao Lie that he thought would be so nice to feel having children was not so in fact, he was so lonely if not Jing the one who stood by his side.
Early in the morning Lu Chang had sent his servants to escort Cao Lie to the border, accompanied the boy until his father came. And now Lu Chang was very anxious, mounted his horse and moved so quickly towards the palace. Somehow Lu Chang felt like something very urgent wanted to pop out from his heart, his desire to meet with Jing really couldn't be detained. In fact, without Jing's bodyguard who usually picked him up, Lu Chang was already in the palace today. Stepped quickly toward the usual pavilion.
"I just realized that whatever I want, there won't be better if I'm not with you" inner Lu Chang said, his pace slowed
He himself who decided to take off his normal life, had a small family and lived happily as a group of bandits in Hangzhou and made up his mind to go to Tong'an and stayed in a palace with Jing despite all not as easy as it looked. And Lu Chang didn't regret it. Right now he just need to meet with Jing to release his anxiety.
Lu Chang's step stopped right in front of the pavilion. The figure who was sitting there with black and silky long hair, calm eyes, and perfect physique dressed in white clothes with a transparent robe decorated with peony flower embroidery made Jing unparalleled majesty figure looked like a divine being. This figure was already captured Lu Chang, and he could no longer thought of anything else but him.

Unfair - HHYL Fanfiction
Historical FictionWhen desire to monopolize you become unreasonable and unbearable My first fict for my beloved Jing and Lu Chang. Pleaae forgie me since my english is super suck XD