Chapter 5:Never Loose You

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"I'll see you at school tomorrow Y/N bye"Sasha waves goodbye to you until you walk out of the bus and your out of site."IM HOME MUM!!!!!!"you run upstairs,quickly lock the door and fall flat on your bed.(I wonder why Armin didn't talk to me after we were in the garden,is he scared of me,no,he's probably just shy)you started to think about the moment you had with Armin in class and in the garden,it made you felt safe whenever you thought of him.Since you had a long day at school you felt a little bit tired,so you slowly drifted of to sleep,with thoughts of Armin flying through your head.

The next morning you slept in a bit late which made you miss the bus(great)so you had to walk to school.When you finally reached the school you had to run to your next class,but when you were running down this hallway with lockers at every inch,you heard a little noise coming from inside a locker,it almost sounded like someone was crying.You approached the locker where the noise was coming from "Hello,anyone in there"you say as you knock on the locker door,"Go away,there's nothing to be seen in here",(Wait is that...)"Armin is that you in there,h-hold on I'm-I'm getting you out of there"you slowly walk back and then run do the door and kick it open to reveal Armin in a little ball looking like he had been crying for hours ,"Armin,what happened to you"there was this red mark on his cheek and he had this big bruise on his chin,you take Armin's hands and lift him out of the locker"I-I'm just a little sore Y/N,it's ok"you hold onto Armin's shoulders and look him in his big beautiful blue eyes"Armin,I-I worry about you,I don't like seeing you like this,did that guy from English beat you up again"Armin's eyes then filled with water and his head drops onto your shoulder,"I'm such a burden,t-there's not even a point of living like this anymore",you lift Armin's head up and put your hands on his soft pink cheeks"Armin,don't ever think about saying stuff like that,I care to much about you to let you suffer like this,I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I'm alive"you then hug Armin tightly against your chest,and you feel the warmth coming from him,"Y/N,t-thank you for being here for me".Armin releases the hug and then grabs your hands and holds them tightly,"You are the greatest friend I would ever ask for Y/N,and I never want to loose you".His head slowly moves closer to yours,your eyes have widened,and you begin to blush,his lips are now inches away from yours,you both get closer and closer,both yours eyes meet,you close them at the same time,you can feel his lips slowly touch yours and the warmth coming from his body,"WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING OVER THERE",both you and Armin release eachother and jump up in shock."U-Ummm,we were just-","TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE RIGHT NOW"....

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