#Dating him would include..

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A/N: For Trevor's and Connor's, it'll be more along the line of "Being best friends with him would include". :)


-Really rough sex
-Late night kisses when the two of you are hardly staying awake
-Throwing food at him when he's being a shithead
-Arguing about who's doing the cleaning
-Never going to bed on time ;))
-Sleeping in til noon
-Him making you laugh constantly
-Purposely annoying one another


-Going for walks with him
-Making each other breakfast in bed
-Watching every show you can together
-Lots and lots of cheek kisses
-Baking together
-Way too many inside jokes
-Slow sex
-Filming videos together


-Playing with his hair
-Him being extremely jealous 95% of the time
-Fast sex
-You stealing his clothes
-Him being really handsy and touchy
-Netflix and Chill ;))
-Tight hugs
-Camping/Hiking dates


-Giggling at dumb jokes together
-Taking tumblr photos of each other
-Getting coffee together
-Helping him with all of his big projects
-Late night phone calls
-Having loads of nicknames for each other
-Arguing over who drives


-Singing with him
-Celebrating Pride with him
-Fighting over the littlest things
-Laughing until you cry
-Helping each other pick out makeup products to try
-Being close with his mom
-Talking for hours about the same things


-Him touching your butt
-Arguing about where to eat
-Staying in bed all day
-Being late to everything
-Literally just watching movies
-Constantly holding hands
-Neck kisses
-Hot sex


Hello :)

Finally got school packages today 😒 I really don't wanna go back. Fuck.

Love you guys


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