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Hi! Double update! I'm so excited! Hope you like it!

Mellonie 's POV

The school ended soon. Ughh, it was a long day. We got some assignments which are actually quite easy but time-consuming. I say my goodbyes to Sam and walk home. Usually Zayn picks me up, but he is not at home today so I decide to walk. I could actually use some time to think.......... about what?....... I don't know. I honestly feel so lost these days.......

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a pair of hands pulling me by my waist towards them. I screamed loudly but my mouth by quickly covered by those hands. I turned to see a boy smirking. He had green emerald eyes and curly hair. He looked ..... hot. Wait, scratch that out.

"Who the hell are you? Leave me!" I yell at him.

"Woo!  Feisty! I like it. "

"Leave me you asshole!" I struggle in his tight , and by tight I mean really really really tight grip.

"Never ever yell at me baby. It won't take me long to mark your fragile body then." He tightened his grip. I whimpered in pain. Finally he chuckles and leaves me.

"See you later baby." He said and walked to his car.

I was so shocked by this. I gulp loudly and without looking here and there, run home.

Zayn's POV

"Yeah! Should have seen his face Liam! I really like punching the shit out of that dickhead.! We hi fi as we reach my house. It's a huge mansion and I leave here with my little sister, Mellonie.

Liam and I have been best friends ever since we were 5 . He's awesome and we are in the same gang. Yeah! You heard it. We are in a gang. Gang leaders actually. Mellonie doesn't know about this though. I think she is too sensitive and I'm too protective for her. She is my little girl!

I look at my watch. 1:50pm. Shit! Mellonie's school must have been over by now.

"Hey Liam! I going to get Mellonie. Call Sam over here. "

"Yeah, sure mate!" He cheerfully texts his sister. I know he.... likes Mellonie. He is a good guy too. A guy whom I can trust . But .... I think Mellonie is small. I won't stop her from him  though. I trust Liam.

I was just going towards the door when it bust open revealing a panting Mellonie. She looke scared and was panting heavily. Before I could go, Liam ran towards her. She threw her arms around him and started crying. He tried to calm her but she cried harder.

I  reached there and pulled her into a hug. I rubbed her back into small circles and made her sit on a chair. My poor baby! I signalled Liam to get a glass of water. He immediately came out with the water. I made her drink it and she calmed a bit.

"Mell, princess, what happened? Tell me, yeah. Stop crying."

"Imetaguyhepulledmywaisttightandwheniyelledathimheheldmetighterandtoldmethatnexttimeiyellathimhewouldmarkmyfragilebodyandleftsayinghewouldmeetmesoon." She blabbered real fast.

"M, calm down, tell us slowly." Liam said planting himself on a chair next to her.

"I met a guy. He pulled my waist tight and when I yelled at him, he held me tighter and told me that next time I yell at him, he w-would m-mark my fragile b-body and l-left saying he would m-meet m-me s-soon." She managed to say and burst into tears.  I pulled her into a hug.

"Princess, shh, everything is fine. No one's gonna hurt you. I'm here , Liam's here. Yeah. Shh." I tried to calm her.

"Hey Li....... M? Hey what happened? " Sam enter the room. I think she will be a help. She is like a sister to Mel.

"Sam, take her to her room." Liam tells his sister.  Sam takes Mel upstairs. Liam clenches his fist with anger.

I feel the anger boiling in me. How could someone do something like this to my little sister? Whoever it was is going to regret. I won't let this go easily. But right now, I need to calm Mel. It pains to see her like this. The last time she was in this condition when our parents died....................

Sam comes down.

"Where's Mel?" Liam asked her immediately.

"She was tired of crying and fell asleep." She said with a sad face. She knows about our work. Liam had told her about it when she turned 13. And she was cool with it. But I'm not sure whether M would be fine with it. She has gone through a lot and I can't see her hurt herself.

"So, I guess we should get going then...... call me immediately if you need anything. I am not going to let it go." Liam said with clenched fist. He sounded so worried. I hug both of them and they leave.

I sit on the table thinking what to do to make my princess happy. Maybe I should make her favourite food....... Yes!  I'm gonna do that. Atleast I can give it a try.

And thinking this , I go to the kitchen to cook some delicious pizza and cake for her. (AN: Don't judge. My brother always makes it for me , and I love em!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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