I love you

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And with that, Yoongi hung up on his best friend. 

"What did he say?" 

"He's on his way." 

"That's good. What about the others?" Mrs. Min rested her back against the couch. 

"I'm calling them right now." He gave Mrs. Min a smile before going upstairs to his room. He dialed Hoseok's number and waited for him to pick up. 

"Hey, what's going on?" 

"You have to come over tonight. I need to tell you something. Don't forget Tae, please." 

"Alright. We'll be there as soon as possible. We just have to take a shower." 

"Thank you." 

Yoongi smiled to himself as he hung up. He dialed Jungkook's last number. Jungkook's. 

He put him on speaker and looked around his room. He wondered why it was so empty. A voice spoke out to him on his phone. 

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I was thinking to myself." He spoke to the voice and waited for his response. 

"Don't worry about it." 

Jungkook's tone made Yoongi squirm to the left and right. His voice was cold and very mysterious. He started to get scared. 

"Um, Jungkook? Is everything okay?" 


"You don't seem so sure."

"Is that why you called me? To check if I was okay and everything else surrounding me too?" 

"No.. I just called to tell you that I have.." Yoongi stopped in his tracks and looked at his door. There seemed to be a soft knock on it. 

"Yes, what is it?" Yoongi waited for his mom to come in and tell him to keep his door opened (for air conditioner purposes) but she never did. It was a deep voice. A familiar one.

"Miss me?" 

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stood up to open the door. 

When he did, it was Jimin. 

"Hyung, what are you doing up here?" 

"Your mom invited me here. She told me I could go up to your room." 

"I-I'm glad you're here but I left your house a few minutes ago." 

Instead of earning a reply, the younger pulled him towards his body. Yoongi could feel his hot breath on his neck as he wrapped his arms around his waist. 

"I miss you.." Yoongi kissed Jimin's jawline softly. 

"I miss you too." 

"Sorry to interrupt but Namjoon and his boyfriend is here." Yoongi's mom peeks through the small staircase and waits for them to break apart but they don't. 

"I'll be down there in a minute." Yoongi said as he heard his mom's footsteps fade away. 

He pulled away from Jimin and watched as he looked he looked in his eyes. 

He smiled and walked down the stairs, leaving a very upset and desperate Min Yoongi. 

He stood there for a while and then realized he left Jungkook on the phone. He hurriedly ran in his room and picked his phone up. 


No answer. 

He realized he hung up before he could tell him to come over. 

Secretive Storyline {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now