Part 16: Having a crush on your partner

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Aphmau's POV

I have a brilliant plan! and also a fun plan too. I will just hang out with Katelyn, Zane , and Kawaii Chan! Travis can figure out another way while I hang out with them. I text Travis my plan
Then he immediate reply "Seriously? -.-"

I ignore the message and invite them first off Katelyn.
"Hi Katelyn" I said to Katelyn on her room
"What do you want?" She asked
"Wanna hang out with Me, Kawaii Chan and Zane?" I asked

"Sure, since I'm going to talk to Zane anyways later" Katelyn said

Ok next Kawaii Chan

"Heyy~~ Kawaii~Chan, Do you want to hang out with me, Zane and Katelyn?" I asked her
"W-with Z-Zane sen umm kun" she asked nervously

"Wait..... why are you talking like that... is something wrong?" I asked her. I'm worried by the tone of her voice  
"N-nothing" she said
"Did Zane did something to you?" I said while grabbing a baseball bat out of nowhere (A/N: YEP! DON'T JUDGE ME x3)
"No... It's just Kawaii Chan's feeling is confused.... Aphmau senpai know that Kawaii Chan have a crush on Reese senpai, but Kawaii Chan also feel the same way with Zane senp- kun" Kawaii Chan said

"Basically you have a crush on Zane?" I asked
"Y-yeah..." She answered

Well this just happened... Having a crush on your boyfriend is a thing now.... We need to fix this As soon as possible 
"So are you coming?" I asked
"Yes Kawaii Chan would love to" she replied

Ok to Zane's room
I barged in and his reaction is... uh..
"Uh! What! No one is here! Leave this room!" Zane said

"Woah what's with you?" I asked
"Uh... will you keep it a secret?" he asked 
"Okay, spill it out" I said
"Well.... Last night dinner... Kawaii Chan kissed me... and I just reacted! And what I mean by reacted is I kiss back..." he said

Ohh~~ this is juicy...

"So... Did you like it or enjoy it though...?" I asked

I can see him blush so hard.

Zane's POV

"So... Did you like it or enjoy it though?" She asked

I want to say Yes but she will freak out. Well I can feel my cheeks burning.
"Uh..Eh.. Um... WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT" I answered

"Answer me truthly." she said

"Ugh! It's hard to explain Aphmau! You know how Kawaii Chan hates me and how I avoid her everytime. But the time she talks at me I start to feel this way" I said

"Sounds like a crush" Aphmau said

"It's been only 2 days since we talk to each other. Is that how fast feelings were develop" I asked

Aphmau's POV

Here am I just wanted to shout at them 'Hey, you guys are girlfriend and boyfriend'  but I can't.
"I don't know. a while ago I just talked to Kawaii Chan and he mention having a crush on you" I said with a blabber mouth
Woops... I'm sorry Kawaii Chan

"I guess I have to tease her then" Zane smirked
Oh no....

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