Part 30: Why does Mia hates Ro'meave

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Author's note

The picture is Mia... Just imagine it with a darker shade of pink

Zane's POV

I'm at the waiting area, I looked at my pocket.... Wait... WHERE IS MY PHONE?! OH NO! I quickly parked Miss Mia's car into the parking lot and quickly goes to the place where I left Kawaii Chan then..."What now! First the cat girl that talks in 3rd person now you!" The stranger said (Author: What a jerk =/)
"Sir by any chance that cat girl has light pink hair, yellow orange eyes and in a pink dress?" I asked politely
"Why yes. Her name is Kawaii Chan right?" He answered
"Where did she went?"  I asked
"She did say out loud that she receive a text that her mother's car is broken by I don't know who and he is fixing it and told her to walk" He explained
What in the world? I don't have my phone unless... SCARLET! To make sure I will check Miss Mia's house

"Thank you sir!" I said while running on the parking area and drive until I reached KC's childhood house 
"Hello Miss Mia is KC back?" I asked her as soon she open the door
"No, I thought you guys are eating lunch at McDo?" Miss Mia said
I started to tear up a bit

"Hey, Zane are you alright?" Miss Mia asked

"No." I replied
"Want to talk about it?" she offered 
"Okay." I respond

I told her what WE'd been through

"Oh my...." She said

I didn't respond

"You do care about her. I misjudge all the Ro'meaves... and I'm sorry" She said

"It's alright Miss Mia" I said
"No need to be formal. I will tell you why I hate Ro'meave, since we can't file a missing person if it haven't reach a day" She stated (Random person: Explaining part! Get ready to get scold Author on your grammars)

This will be interesting 

"I wasn't born I already hated Ro'meaves because my mother is pregnant with me and the father is a Ro'meave. He just used my mother to moved on to his ex-girlfriend.... The time he moves on he just left us... not even caring about me. So my mother, Marissa raised me by her own It's for her to leave me with a caretaker.. but she got to work in order for us to live. Half of my life I'm doing things by my own. Study every time, got bullied because every recess I'm studying, called me nerd. Seeing my mother happy is the thing I wanted. I got my scholarship after middle school and it was a lot more easier for her to raise me... After I graduated highschool my mother fell into a sickness (because she only do work for her life for Mia) that lead to her death before she died, she gave me my college gift... 2145 dollars on a bankbook named by me, and she said 'Never make the same mistake like I did' then I did keep her promise. That's why I arranged marriage Kawaii Chan and Benedict that lead him to suicide.... Here I am knowing that she'd been through is because of the force marriage....." (SORRY FOR THE WRONG GRAMMAR!!!! T^T) Mia said

(Summary: So Mia's father just used her mother so he can move on, so Marissa (Mia's mother) raised Mia all by herself, and it comes to the point Mia become a scholar in her highschool to college, after Mia graduated highschool her mother have a sickness because she overdo her work that lead to her death, before she died, she gave a bankbook to Mia that was named after her(College gift) and said  "Never make the same mistake like I did". For that she arranged a marriage to her daughter Kawaii Chan)

"Mia I care and loved Kawaii Chan and never would do such a thing. I don't even have an exgirlfriend. Even what happened to us I will fight and always care for her" I said

"I hope you do" Mia said

Question of the day

How many days have they been in Tu'La?

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