Chap. 11

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HAYO!!! Sorry Sorry Sorry I haven't updated in the longest itme ever!! I kinda lost my feel of a story...then left it for about a year or more. But I had an immense guilt trip from yeah.

I'll be updating the chapters I wrote but I haven't maneged to upload...the chapters I will make soon are written in the "new" style of writing I might have aquired from my long well, ENJOY!


Chapter 11

Mako’s POV

            I went up the staircase and followed my map to the top floor of the South Campus, end room in the North Corridor. I stopped at a door with the sign “3rd Music Room” above it, but when I looked at my map…it said it was abandoned. Did Haruhi intentionally mislead me? Well, if it’s abandoned maybe I can just stay inside and probably play a few instruments maybe…if there are any.

But when I opened the door a tiny bit, the smell of tea, pastries and roses fill the air. I even hear people chattering and laughing. W-wait, I thought this place was abandoned!  I was about to peek through the tiny opening when the door swung open, nearly making me fall to the ground. But I didn’t a pair of hands held me up; I looked to see the grinning orange haired twins. “Happy you came…”one started “…new Host!” the other finished. I freed my arms, “Eh, what are you talking about?” I say a little confused, I look around to see that the so-called abandoned music room wasn’t abandoned at all. There were tables draped in dining cloths and flowery centrepieces on each table, I even spot tea and pastries on the table. And I mostly see girls in the area and 6 boys, these include the twins. “Didn’t Haruhi invite you to join and you accepted, so you you’re here now?” they said in unison. “Er, ah…”I was lost for words, sure I wanted to join a club, but this was too overwhelming. “What is all that noise about, you Devilish twins?” a voice suddenly rang out and I saw a boy with soft Blond hair and with charming Purple eyes. He came up to me and gave a looked at me. “So you’re that infamous transfer student who charms both the girls and the boys with one smile.”  I swear, I felt my cheeks turn a tiny bit pink. I didn’t know I had that first impression on others. Suddenly girls came to my side, excitedly talking all at once. “Shinji-kun, you did join the Host Club!” “Shinji-kun, can I be your first customer?” “No, me.” “Me too, Shinji-kun.” And stuff like that. I was about to reply when I heard a resounding snap of fingers, it was from the Blonde haired boy.

“It has been decided! You, what is your name?” he boldly asked “Er, it’s Shinji Mako.” I said a little softly. “He’s our classmate, Tono(“king”). He seems to be friends with Haruhi too.” The twins added. “So be it. ATTENTION EVERYONE!” he said loudly clapping his hands. “We, the Ouran Host Club, have added a new member, a new host. Maki Shinji of class 1-A, his host type will be decided soon.” After the silence, a round of applause was heard while the blonde boy had an arm on my shoulder. What.did.I.Just.Get.Myself.In?! Haruhi! Help me!

As if by cue, Haruhi appeared nearby, holding a tray with a tea set. “Mako? What are you doing here?” she placed the tray on a nearby table. “Haruhi!” I quickly went to her side, “What kind of club is this?” I shook her shoulders, she looked forlorn. “I told you I didn’t want to drag you into this…” Suddenly the twins pulled me away form Haruhi and smirked. “We weren’t properly introduced, I’m Hikaru Hitachiin” the twin with his hair parted to the right grinned. “I’m Kaoru Hitachiin, the younger twin” the other with his hair parted to the left smiled. Then I felt a hand pull my arm, I looked down to see a cute Blonde boy with Golden-Brown eyes smiled at me. He looked like an elementary student but he wore the high school uniform. “Wow, you’re so cute! I’m Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but everyone calls me Hani. And this is Takashi Morinozuka, he’s usually called Mori. We’re both in class 3-A~ and this is Usa-chan!” He said, first pointing to the tall black haired stoic looking guy then to a pink rabbit plushie. Seriously? This cute little guy is in 3rd year already? He’s only up to my shoulder! And is that a pink stuffed rabbit he’s holding? The taller male only looked at me with stoic eyes that gave me shivers, but he had the tiniest smile on his face. Mitsukuni, or Hani-senpai(senior), held up Usa-chan for me to hold and I took it, out of politeness, “Kawaii(cute)” I blurted, feeling the soft doll in my hands. Hani-senpai looked at me and so did Takashi or Mori-snepai, uh-oh, did I just blow my cover again? “Mako-chan, anata wa hontoni kawaii desu~(you are really cute).” Hani-senpai smiled, I felt my face heat up. I gave back the doll and the blond was smiling, “We haven’t met before so, I am Tamaki Suoh of class 2-A. I am the Head of the Host Club. I hope you enjoy the company of your club family.” He said grinning happily. “Er, arigato…” I mutter as they go back to their seats with the girls. “What do I even do here? What’s a Host?” I say a little to myself. “Basically you entertain our guests, as simple as that. Only they have to request you first.” A calm voice answered, I turned to see the same tall, black haired boy with the glasses! What is he doing here?!  He just stood there beside me while jotting some notes on a black notebook he was carrying. “Oh, have we met before? You seem familiar.” He says with a slight smirk. “Ah, I am Mako Shinji. We..I bumped into you earlier at the hall.” I say a little embarrassed. “Oh right, the new student. Well, I’m Kyouya Otori, co-head of the Host Club.”  He nods his head. I gulp, “if you want to know more. Each Host has a type or their characteristic. Like Tamaki is the Prince type, specialty: Flattery. Me, the Cool Type, specialty: a relaxed image. The Hitachiin twins are the Twin Devil type, specialty: forbidden love between twins act. Hani-senpai is the Boy-Lolita type, specialty:  Cuteness. Mori-senpai is the Wild type, even if he’s a quiet person, specialty: an image of manliness but a soft spot for Hani-senpai. Lastly, Haruhi is the Natural type, specialty: being Haruhi. Your Host type is still to be decided.” he explained, tilting his glasses. I was told to watch the hosts do their thing and learn from them. I only went to Haruhi’s table out of familiarity; I watched her chat with the girls charmingly as if she was a boy. So I have to do that? This goes on for atleast an hour or so, eating cake, drinking tea and chatting with the girls, until they announced the Host club closed for the day. So this is what a Host does…I CAN’T TAKE IT!! It’s bad enough that I have to cross-dress, come in the middle of the semester and attend a school so luxurious you can’t even tell it’s a school but having a club that involves me acting like a boy to charm girls is too much!

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