Chapter Twenty

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I awoke in the morning to find the bed empty. Curious I got up and made my way into the kitchen where I found a note on the table. Picking it up I skimmed over it, biting my lip and crumbling the paper as I headed back to the room.

Grabbing the phone I dialed Kagami's number, the answering machine picking it up. Sighing I hung the phone up, dialing Kuroko's this time. I smiled as his voice came through the phone.

"Hey, what do you need?"

"Was wondering if you knew where Kagami was?" I heard the silence, clearing my throat.

"He's at my house. We decided to hang last night and we both agreed to just stay at my house. Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to do anything... Aomine's out for the day, so I have the day to spare." I heard Kuroko yell to Kagami who yelled back. They were such great friends, they could trust each other, unlike me and Aomine. Our trust was going down the drain, and fast.

"Well, Kagami has a date with Riku today, so he's busy. Not to mention I'm actually going to see my parents today. Sorry." I closed my eyes, frowning.

"It's okay, I'll find something to do... Well, thanks for talking..." I went to hang up, but was stopped.

"Hey Satsuki, is everything okay?" I froze. Why was he asking? I didn't want people to keep asking that.

"I'm fine!" I snapped, instantly feeling bad. I was going to apologize, but my hand hung up, tears in my eyes.

My mind was wandering everywhere as I got ready to leave. I was going to visit my aunt at work. She worked at a hotel, where she let me swim in the inside pool all the time when I was a kid. I hadn't seen her in so long, part of me wondered if she'd recognize me. But staying in this house brought stress right now, and I wanted to escape it.

I exited the house, noticing a car sitting in the driveway. I knew it wasn't Aomine. Walking over to  the vehicle I watched the window roll down, Kise smiling at me. Rolling my eyes I studied him, still keeping my distance.

"What do you want?"

"Why isn't Aomine home? His car is gone, yet you are still here? You guys fight?" I glared at him, causing him to lower his head.

"Sorry, shouldn't have said that."

"No you shouldn't have, but you were pretty close. Hey, can you drive me to my aunt the hotel near the torn down mansion.

"Sure I guess, here get in." I smiled at him, climbing into the passengers seat.

"And don't think of trying anything..."

"I wasn't thinking about it. I'm not all sex and no life... Who do you think I am?"

"A creep."

"Harsh!" He laughed, causing me to join in. It had been awhile since I really laughed and meant it. Before he drove off he handed me something, something dear to me. In his hand he held the ring.

"How did you..."

"It's remade, but it's all I could do. I really am sorry." I nodded, Kise driving off to the hotel.

We both entered the hotel together, though I didn't really know why Kise had a swimsuit with him before he even knew I was going swimming. My aunt looked up from the desk, her eyes widening as she hopped the desk literally and wrapped me in a hug.

"It's been so long... How have you been?"

"Good." She looked at Kise next to me and studied him before smiling. I hadn't put the ring on yet, which was probably a good thing.

"Is this your boyfriend?" I widened my eyes, shaking my head. I was going to say something, but Kise cut in first.

"I wish I was her boyfriend, but she has another man... I'm just a friend from collage." I sighed as my aunt grinned and turned back around to go behind the desk.

"I'm guessing you want to swim? You did love doing that kiddo." I nodded, smiling. I hadn't realized it, but Kise was staring at me, and it wasn't in his greedy kind of way. It was more of a soft caring look. A look I didn't know he had.

We followed her to the pool, a few people scattered around the pool. Kise went his own way to the changing room and my aunt followed me into the girls changing room. I pulled out my bathing suit and slipped it on, my aunt tying it in the back.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

"His names Aomine, we went to the same high school and collage."

"Aomine, you mean the man who got you to skip class?" I nodded, my aunt turning me around.

"So you came here with that man when you are dating another... That's a first you've done that. You really have grown up." I smiled, pulling the ring from my pocket. Her eyes widening.

"You guys are engaged?" I nodded, my aunt hugging me.

"I'm happy for you... Your mother would be to, I know it." I smiled and backed up. We didn't talk much after that and me and Kise spent pretty much the entire day together. I knew as soon as I got home, Aomine wouldn't be there. The note had already told me that. He was going to stay a night at his mother's, so I was alone.

"You ready to go? I'll drop you off." I was spinning the ring in my hand.

"No... I don't really want to go home... Not like anyone will be there."

I hadn't realized what I had said, but I didn't need to.

"So, want to go to the movies with me to waste some more time away. Not like I can do anything. No one hires someone who attacked a woman... so I don't really do much anymore, unless I'm with you." I looked out the window, Kise starring at me. He sighed and grabbed my hand, dragging me out the door. I would have pulled away, but for some reason, I didn't. Why hadn't I?

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