Chapter 10

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I woke up and went to the movie room and Tyler was kinda in a world of his own. "Ty? You okay?" I asked him sitting next to him on the couch and putting my legs in his lap. "Yeah I'm fine." "That wasn't very convincing." "Don't worry I promise." "Don't lie to to me and I can tell. You aren't looking at me when you say it." He got super nervous. "Tyler talk to me please." "I... Well... Maddie I really like you, like more than a friend." It shocked me a bit. "I just fucked everything up and..." I put my lips on his and he kissed back. "Shut up Tyler. I like you too." "Then will you be my girlfriend?" "I'd love too." We kissed again and he had a that dorky smile on his face. "I'm happy I get to call you mine." "Me too Ty, me too. Now I'm hungry." He chuckled. "What do you want?" "Some kind of chicken. Oh CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!" I exclaimed. "Alright calm down. That means we have to go to the store." "I want chicken nuggets, let's go." "Alright let's get shoes first." I got sandals on and he put on sneakers and we left.

"Oh can I get one of the old people carts? Please Ty?" I gave him a pouty face and he tried to resist but gave in. I sat in one of the and Tyler took my crutches and got another cart. "I need some other stuff too." "Okey dokey." I started driving around and it was so much fun. "Maddie you're gonna get kicked out of a grocery store. You know how hard that is?" "Oh don't be a party pooper and live a little." He just laughed and we got all the groceries. "Hurry up! I want my food Ty." I whined as he put the groceries in the car. "Alright alright. Calm down." He got in the front seat and I turned up the radio and Closer by the Chainsmokers came on and I absolutely love that song. The Windows were rolled down and I turned the song up and had a mini jam session while Tyler laughed the whole ride home since I sang to every song that came on whether I knew it or not.

When we got home Tyler put the food in the oven and then I was going to help with groceries but I was told to sit my pretty little ass down so I don't hurt myself. When dinner was done and we went to the living room to eat and watched TV. "Ty?" "Yes?" "Thank you." "For what?" "Letting me stay with you, helping me, pretty much everything." "I'd do it any day for you. So no need to thank me." I gave him a kiss and then happily ate my chicken nuggets. "Yummy yummy yummy in my tummy." I said as I put another piece of chicken in my mouth. "You're such a child." "Hey not nice." "I wasn't being mean." "Yes you were." "I'm sorry baby? French Fry?" "Yay!" I took the French fry and he just laughed. It's the little things that can make you happy and mine is chicken nuggets and French fries.

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