Gob on legs...

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"Adina, get your backside down here now! Breakfast." Mum bellowed up the stairs in her usual aggressive tone. "Alright keep you clothes on , oh you can't cause you took them off for a living" I cheered back, knowing I was to get a reaction out of her. "Gob on legs you are, gob on legs!"she replied back sarcastically. "I wonder where she gets that from sis?"Cain asked as he walked through to the back room. Mum gives a sarcastic look as I walk in to where there at. "Err why aren't you at school yet kid?"Cain abruptly asks. "Getting my make up on duh? And then doing me hair, getting dressed, brushing me teeth, packing me bag and oh yeah mum I've got detention tonight so I could do with picking up " I say so fast trying t run out so they couldn't ask me why, until Cain grabbed my arm. "For god sake dina, you've been back just over a week and you've got a detention!"mum screams, "I didn't mean to get it though? The teacher was a right..."I replied. "Err that's enough Adina!"Cain butted in. "I wasn't going to swear!" I exclaimed. "Yeah right! Right now go to my car and I'll give ya a lift to school!" Cain requested, my mum mouthing thank you, "I haven't had breakfast yet, we'll stop off at maccies on the way I'm starving!" I said as I walked to the car. "Whatever you say kid" I hear Cain reply.

Time-hop too detention
"Ere Dingle you get detention?" Caleb shouted a cross the corridor. "Yeah, I'm guessing you have babe!"I replied in a flirtatious voice. "Oooo Adina Dingle getting her graft on!" Liv nudged me as I stopped and waited for Caleb.  "Come on Dingle, let's go to detention." He said as he grabbed my hand and skipped down the corridor. "Watch it smithy, hey I thought we were meant to be in detention?" I said as he dragged me into a empty classroom. Just as I was about to speak he crashed his lips on to mine and started to kiss. After about 5/10 minutes the head of year Mrs woodly marches in, "what the hell do you think your playing at?"she bellows. We both laugh and run to detention, knowing we only had 50 minutes to go until we could go home.

After detention we walked out together laughing and smiling until I saw Aaron and uncle Cain in his black bmw. "Adina" Aaron shouted. "Adina get in the car now"Cain shouted. "It's fine I'll get the bus"I replied wanting to stay with Caleb for a little longer. "No, get in the car now or do I have to come out there and drag you by your hair?" Cain bellowed. I drag my feet to the car, "your so embarrassing, both of you! Why couldn't you just let me be and get the bus!?" I chunter mardy that they've embarrassed me. They both laugh in sink, but give me a stern and over protective look.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Hope you enjoy and do you like the sound of Caleb smith?  

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