Up there with the KPOP stars

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"WERE THE SURVIVORS!" Dongmin shouts

"you look at me

not even sure if it is happening

but all that i know is i am yours

now and forever me and you"

"alright,alright hang on for a sec." "ugh what is it this time Hyun-Shik?" complained Dongmin "ok I'm just not feelin it" "how do u not feel it?" asked Jae-Sun . "guys i agree with Hyun-Shik i don't know i just don't feel the beat the way i know i should" i said.. "aww common Jia how do you not feel it? your the one singing it and you wrote it" " i know,Jae-Sun it just feels like we gave it the wrong tune.. i mean i know were doing it the way i wrote it and all, but the dance just doesn't fit as well as i thought with the words" "Its a back step, slide, and" "I know Jae-sun! its just not right!" " I guess we have editing to do then" Hyun-Shik states.

"hey guuyyys" Dongmin interrupted "i gotta go" "what why do you have to go? it hasn't even been 45 minutes yet and we always rehearse for 1 hour at least" "I got a date". "what number is this Dongmin?" I ask teasing him. "Is this one Korean?" Hyun-shik added. "haha nope! I got a hot american girl" "wonder how you managed that. You must have paid her alot" im laughing hard after my last amazing comment. "haha Ill tell you guys how it goes, since you're so concered." "aw hey guys he even gave us a little wink!" adds a smirking Jae-sun. "AIISHHH you guys are ridiculous!" Dongmin shouts.

I should probably tell you about our band there are 4 members;Hyun-Shik , Dongmin, Jae-Sun and me. Yes i am the only girl, and the only half korean but I wish I was full korean. So let me tell you what each of us do, Hyun-Shik is on second lead dancer, Jae-sun is lead dancer, and Dongmin second lead singer, and I am the first lead singer.

I should probably tell you our history as well; we have been playing together for 3 years now, Oh and our band name is the SURVIVORS, because of everything we've been through together. Our ups and downs, we always stuck together and if we got in an argument we always fixed it. The advantage of having a mixed group for a band is its easier to work out problems with drama.

Our band started from Hyun-Shik and Jae-sun, they became best buds. Me being close with Jae-sun (and wanting to be in SM someday) came and Dongmin came wanting to be in the band as well with Hyun-Shik (his brother).. Main reason Dongmin came was because he wanted an american girl friend.

"Jia what do you think?" Hyun-Shik asks anxious for an answer. "huh? oh uh i don't know ask Jae-sun " Jae-sun gives me like ugh pay attention/thanks a lot look. Haha i just chuckle of course because i know Jae-sun doesn't like being asked questions. "so Jae-sun what do you think" asks Hyun-Shik slowly. "I think that we should do something different, what about you Jia?"Jae-sun asks smugly.

Ugh i hate when he looks at me expectantly, its payback for him when i put him in the spotlight. "Yes i agree, we do the same thing all the time, and we should try something different" "ok fine', Hyun-Shik says. "we need to meet, tomorrow ok?" he adds "for lunch" I put after him "ok Its good with me" he responds. "and ill go tell Dongmin too" he adds.

"hello!? WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Jae-sun whines poking Hyun-Shik and i hard on our backs while were packing up. "what about you?" I spin around and face him when he keeps following me and poking me. "Ya what about you?" Hyun-Shik comes up behind Jae-sun with a huge evil grin on his face. "I should have some input too!" "should you?" i snap back trying hard to hold back from laughing. "Yes" He states Indefinitely. Jae-sun turns around when Hyun-Shik was about to squish his left over kimchi from lunch into his hair." And before you" He couldnt finish because he had a mouthful of kimchi in his mouth. "tell your Umma that the kimchi tasted amazing. I now forgive you guys because I got kimchi and I will meet you tomorrow for lunch"

Right on signal Hyun-Shik pouts jokingly "aw man i didnt want to see you tomorrow" "i know baby Hyun-Shik, but If you dont see me then you'll miss me." "Hey i think you have some kimchi in your hair!" i say as he's marching out of the room. "haha" now Hyun-shik and i can't hold in our laughter anymore.He's holding on to the pole in our groups secret shack in the woods. and im sitting on the floor laughing. "I SHALL GET YOU MONSTERS BACK LATER!" "doubt that" i sputter out as he's leaving the building.


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