Chapter 3: Sparks

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     Opening the door turned out to be quite interesting. There was a bit of clear space right in front of the door, but you couldn't open it all the way, since it would get stuck in the snow right next to it. The result was only being able to open it to a 45 degree angle.
     "Uh Katelyn? I don't think we can get outside." I call. She comes to the front hall, wrapping a scarf around her neck. She stands silent, taking in the snow.
     "So we can only open the door this far, and it's still snowing?" She says, brushing some snowflakes off her shoulder.
     "I guess there's no point in trying to go out and shovel, since it'll just come back?" I say.
     "Well we can't leave it all here, the longer it's here the harder it will be to shovel later. It'll get all ice covered and solid." She reasons."
      "Hey I bet it would be easier to shovel from the driveway to the front porch, since we obviously wouldn't be working in this tiny space."
     "Oh yeah good idea, Aph" She says with a tiny smile, that sparks something in my heart. I feel myself blush slightly. It's just a compliment, calm down. It's not like you thought of some genius idea. "I'm going to see if I can clean up some snow that got in here, I'll be right out." She says, exiting to the kitchen.
     "I'm gonna grab the snow shovels, be right back." I trot to the garage and step inside, where I'm greeted by a blast of cold air. Snow shovels, snow shovels. Did we even buy snow shovels? I spot them laying against the back corner. Perfect!
     "Did you find them?" Katelyn comes into the garage.
     "Yeah they're right here." I walk to the back, when suddenly the ground beneath me is no longer solid. I'm slipping. Panicking, I lurch backwards, which only throws me off balance even more.
     "Aphmau!" Katelyn shouts. I collide with her, and a pair of warm arms wraps around me. I open my eyes even though I don't remember shutting them.
     "You caught me." I say dumbly.
     "Well yeah, I wasn't just going to let you fall." She says it like its the stupidest thing she's ever heard. Time passes and neither of us moves. "Uh, Aphmau?"
     "Yeah?" I say quietly, lost in her blue eyes.
     "If you want to spend the whole day like this that's fine by me, but you can stand up at any time."
     "Oh my gosh yeah sorry." I mumble quickly, startled at how close we are.
     "Hey is everything ok? You've been acting kind of weird today." Katelyn says, concern on her face.
    "Oh yeah, everything is fine." I say nonchalantly.
    "Uh are you sure? Hey if you have a problem with me being gay you can just tell me, I really won't mind." That's what she thinks this is about?
     "Katelyn! No no no! I love and accept you for who you are!" I exclaim.
     "Is it something with Aaron then? You know you can talk to me about anything." She says gently.
     "No it's nothing like that, I'm just a little out of it today I suppose." I say. "Aaron!" I gasp. "I totally didn't text him to see if he was doing OK because of the snow. Do you mind if I go do that really quick?"
     "Go for it, I can get started here." Katelyn picks up a shovel.
     "OK thanks! BRB!" I walk quickly to the kitchen where I left my phone. Was I imagining it, or did Katelyn seem...dissapointed I wanted to text Aaron? Oh well. I pick up my phone and sure enough, there's a text from Aaron.

Aaron- Hey babe how are you doing? Do you need anything? I'd be happy to bring stuff over.
Aphmau- I'm doing great, what about you? And unless you plan on shoveling the whole sidewalk from your house to mine, you won't be here anytime soon.
Aaron- Is that a challenge :)
Aphmau- Maybe lol. But don't bother srsly me and Katelyn are fine
Aaron- Ah so you don't think I can do it?
Aphmau- I know you can do it, but you really don't need to. I need to go help Katelyn shovel snow, I'll talk to you later.
Aaron- If you insist. Talk to you soon babe ;)
Aphmau- K bai :p
     With that done, I set down my phone and ran off to help Katelyn. She had made more progress than I thought she would, but not by much. Only a small chunk of the driveway was cleared off, and you couldn't even see the asphalt beneath it.
     "Well this is going to be one heck of a job." Katelyn says as I join her. "I bet I can shovel more than you!" She suddenly yelps as she digs deep into the snow.
     "Hey, no fair!" I squeak as I fumble with my shovel. As I set to work a small, now familiar spark lights my heart. Right now, it's just me and Katelyn, out in the snow. I glance over at her, and her soft blue hair peeking out from under her hat, the faint blush on her face from the cold, and the snowflakes sticking to her. I quickly look back to my section before she feels me staring. My Irene she is beautiful. She looks like an angel out her in the sun. A snow angel. I grin to myself as I struggle to lift the snow.


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