Hanging Out

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A/N: Short little note before you read. I'm sorry this chapter is so crappy. I was running out of ideas. If you have any that aren't weird or crazy please comment them at the end. Because I had to listen to more than an hour of motivational music to finish this. So please comment!


((Thunderbolt and Grimstone))

I was lying on the med-bay berth while having Knockout check the tip of my wing which Starscream had snatched (previous chapter). His slim digit ran over the spot, examining it, before he grabbed a wielder and started working.

"This might sting a bit," he warned before starting.

"I can take a little sting," I rolled my optics.

He smirked and began repairing the torn metal coating around my wing frame. I hissed a couple times during the process but didn't complain. At least this wound was minor. Grim was trying to entertain me by mimicking Starscream in the worst way possible until Knockout told him to stop. Otherwise he'd miss the wield because I was laughing too much. Grimstone gave him a naughty grin before leaning against the wall in waiting.

After a good while, Knockout finished the job.

"There. Good as new," he beamed as I stood and twitched my wings slightly.

"Thanks KO," I smiled and stretched as I got an idea.

"You guys wanna go on a fly and drive?" I asked turning to Knockout and Grimstone.

"Sure," Grim and Knockout shrugged.

I grinned and headed out towards the main space-bridge controls. I would just fly off the flight deck with Grimstone, but Knockout can't fly. So... yeah.

As we reached the space bridge portal, I typed in the coordinates we wished to go to and the usual swirly blueish green portal opened up. I waited for my friends before transforming and flying through. I could hear Grimstone and Knockout transform as well and follow. As I got to the other side, I quickly ascended into the air, enjoyed the wind on my cockpit. Grim was below me and Knockout was on the ground. I spun a couple times, enjoying the open air. For the first time, actually flying. Being I used to be human, I never got this opportunity. And now, I was free. I soon transformed and activated my thrusters and flew in bot mode, 'lying' on the air. I could almost feel Knockout's gaze on me as I floated through the air and did a couple in air somersaults before transforming again.

"A little daredevil aren't we?" Knockout smirked from below through the comm.

"Always have been, always will be," I grinned to myself.

I could tell Knockout was rolling his optics. I didn't know how. I just... knew. I guess. As I glided through the air, something suddenly changed in my processor as I watched the landscape. I originally recognized the place as just inside the border between California and Nevada, being I watched Transformers Prime all the time, but now it seemed like I didn't know where I was. That this was an entirely new place. I quickly shook off the feeling though I knew what was happening. I was forgetting my old life and becoming Thunderbolt. That I am Thunderbolt.

Grimstone flew lower and I raised an optic ridge.

"What is it?" I asked soon following.

"Knockout's picking up something," he explained.

"And how do you know that?" both me and Knockout asked.

"I-I don't know. I just do," Grim shrugged in vehicle mode.

"Well you're right though. I'm picking up on an energon signal. I'm gonna go check it out. You two coming?" he asked.

"You bet," I smirked, following Knockout with Grimstone below me.

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