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  ((Thunderbolt and Grimstone))

Knockout whipped around and spotted the Autobots. "Scrap..."

I activated my electrocuters and fired at them defensively. All five scattered and I was soon left to face Arcee and Bumblebee. The blue femme attacked from the front with her blades several times while Bumblebee shot from the back. Fighting them in real life is harder than it looks...

But I held my ground as I kicked Arcee away and blasted Bumblebee with a lightning bolt several times. I went to help Knockout, who was facing Optimus, and blasted the Prime away. Knockout nodded a thanks.

I nodded back before comming Megatron. "Lord Megatron. We are being attacking by the Autobots. Send reinforcements to my coordinates!"

A ground-bridge soon opened above us and a bunch of troopers flew out, surrounding the area. Starscream flew out as well and landed in front of me. I growled silently at him as the troopers pointed their weapons at the Autobots. Grimstone backed up to join me and Knockout near the energon.

"For the love of Primus," Grim muttered. "We had to have all the luck..."

"Lighten up, Grim," I huffed, rolling my optics. "Could be worse. Could be in a smelting pit."

He shuddered. "You've gotta point..."

I watched as Optimus observed the battle field and his optics soon landed on Grim and I.

"I see you've found some more members," Optimus stated respectively.

"Quite," I hissed. "What's it to you?"

"I am certain you know who I am. Pray tell, who are you?" Optimus asked coolly.

"Thunderbolt. General Thunderbolt. This is my brother, Grimstone," I stated with narrowed optics a I gestured to my brother. "And I am indeed well aware of who you are, Optimus Prime."

Optimus nodded and backed up closer to his fellow Autobots. I observed their pattern and my optics widened when I recognized the formation they used in the TV show. I growled and ran the left as soon as they attacked and blocked an attack from Optimus. Saving about five now lucky drones. I growled and pushed back at Optimus, who's optics widened in surprise that I had read their movements.

"Surprised?" I hissed with a grin and shoved Optimus backwards before going into a fighting stance. I growled and attacked swiftly. Another battle quickly broke out.

As the battle was waged, I felt myself slowly disappear. I was soon replaced with Thunderbolt. Vicious hatred seared through my former body as my skills increased with sudden memories of training and war filled my once human mind. I met each of Optimus blows head on with equal force. Blades drawn we clashed like titans. He aimed for my helm, I blocked it. I aimed for his, he blocked it. Our rhythm flowed as sparks flew each time our weapons met in mid-air. But what was intriguing, was my movements. I surprised myself. Never before had I been so fluent. So agile. I felt myself met each blow by instinct. Almost like an out of body experience. I wasn't in control. Thunderbolt was. Every strike, every hit, was all her. I was contained to the subconscious.

Though, in my mind, I observed my brother. And all the changes were evident. The personality I built for him was there. Fighting. His grin was a mix of maliciousness and pride. He looked evil in a crazy, unnatural way. But then again, that's what I gave him. In the human world, he would run. Scream. Anything but fight. Now I look at him and see a brave, cunning, dark crimson and red fighting machine. He was facing Bumblebee and Arcee and winning too. I smiled to myself, proud of him, before returning to pay attention to my battle.

Optimus was strong, I'll give him that. But Thunderbolt's rage and fury almost blinded me. I thought I imagined everything I had made Thunderbolt to be. But feeling her raw energy, it was amazing. It blazed through me like a wild fire. I felt like I could do anything. Fight anyone. It was... beyond words. I can't describe the feeling to you. You just have to experience it for yourself. Some how.

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