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"A man chooses, A slave obeys." That was the only thing I read that day. It was a quote my old boss Andrew Ryan told his son the day he was born and it was what I told him the day I killed him. I stood over the boys body seeing it opened up from my drill and looking to my left to see my 'Daughter' stare at his corpse with a smile on her face. Who am I? I am Charles Morgan and I am a man in the suit of a Big Daddy. I'm an ADAM version meaning I didn't need a little sister to collect ADAM but damn were they helpful and besides it won't be too long till I can go back to my old life. I was a construction worker hired by Ryan to finish building Rapture this under water city filled with maniacs. His payment was this yellow and green plasmid. Plasmids were something he sold at Ryan industries and I mistakingly took it. Once the juice entered my body I became stiff and then I passed out until I found myself awake in a giant metal suit and had a drill for a hand. Then I was put in front of Ryan as his slave. He told me all I had to do was kill all the splicers and destroy the old Big Daddies and get rid of ,in my own way, their little sisters. Demons those things the first one I encountered terrified me who would change a poor girl into such a thing. A dying splicer told me that removing her parasite would give me more ADAM ,but I knew better. I looked into her yellow eyes and turned her back into a human and after that they all were saved. And now here I am with the last one and with plenty of ADAM to make me a god but I noticed this girl she was very familiar to me. I looked at her and noticed her face she was my sisters daughter Eleanor Lamb a girl my sister assigned to an old big daddy model known as: Subject Delta. I looked behind me and saw the metal man in front of me he had his drill ready to kill me and I had mine. We clashed our weapons and then I removed his helmet and crushed his head. After that I saved Eleanor and walked to Ryan's office after placing Eleanor next to her 'father'. There I was standing at his door I opened it and Ryan shook my hand and then he said this: "Now my friend would you kindly remove your helmet" I did as he asked. "Now would you kindly activate your electric plasmid." I did. "And now would you kindly shock your brain." I did. I felt the electricity killing me and then I laid there dead on the ground but then I woke up in a room in Rapture but it was pure and I still had my Armor however it was in a display case in this room. I walked out to be greeted with the many little sisters I saved and Eleanor who was now a grown woman. She stared at me and then I felt it a dream I was in London on an airship but I was there after the death of Ryan and The new Sweat of Rapture laid on my brow for it to be above water instead of under.

End of Prologue

A/N: If this seemed spoilerish I apologize but hey it's a paralogue meaning its in the future but we don't know all the details now do we. Now would you kindly please vote and follow it would help a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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Bioshock: The Sweat of Rapture Book 1: Daddy's ADAMWhere stories live. Discover now