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Perrie's POV

Oh god!Today is the day I'm gonna meet her.I'm so nervous,scared,excited and some other feelings.Why do I feel worry?Am I worry she'll hate me?Am I worry she'll think I'm not pretty?Am I worry she's not the 'Jade'?

I brushed off my thoughts and those feelings.The bell rang.

"Enjoy your weekend.See you next Monday."my teacher said and everybody walked out of the class,running to their friends.

"Perrie!Today's the day."Jesy said excitedly as she dragged me out of the building by my arm.

"Why are you being excited?"I asked her and raised my eyebrow as we're outside.

"Because..."Jesy smirked and I slapped her arm.

"Nothing's gonna happen,dumbass."I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah.Yeah,whatever you say,Edwards."then,we waited.

Jesy saw Camila and ran to her.They talked for awhile and smirked at me.

"Perrie,she's waiting there!"Camila shouted and pointed across the street at a car.

"Thank you,Camila!"I thanked her and crossed the street to the car.

Is that her?I asked myself as I saw a brunette standing with her back against the car.

I didn't see her face yet,just her body since her hair fell to her side face because she was playing something on her phone.I approached the girl.

"Hey,are you Jade Thirlwall?"I asked her and she looked up with a wide smile.

"Yep,that's me and you must be Perrie Edwards,am I right?"she said as she put her phone in her pocket and waved at me for a second with a small laugh.

God,she's so gorgeous and cute.Her eyes are so brown.It's light but a bit dark too.Her hair is perfect.Her smile.Her cheeks.Wow.

"Are you okay?"she asked in a worry tone.

"Y-Yes.I'm the one and only Perrie Edwards."I said,trying to act cool.

[A/N:what Jade wore^^btw that's the cutest outfit on her for me tbh I love it💁]

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[A/N:what Jade wore^^btw that's the cutest outfit on her for me tbh I love it💁]

"That's awesome so I can do this then."she pulled me into a hug.

She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.She's so adorable.Damn it.Few moments later,she pulled me up and swung me around.

"W-Woah,put me down,Jade!"I squealed.

She hugged me for one more time and let me go.

"You look so beautiful in your school uniform.So sexy."she winked.

Whoop there's the Jade I know.

"Are you kidding me?I'm sweating in this."I rolled my eyes.

"You'll be sweating on the bed with me too so that's not a problem for me cause you look hotter,Pez."she smirked.

The way she says 'Pez'.Kill me please,it's so cute but her words aren't cute.

"Let's start our activity."she said and opened the passenger door for me so I hopped in.

She walked to the other side of the car and sat at the driver seat.She started the engine and looked at me.

"Do you trust me now?Are you okay with this?I can send you home if you're n-"I cut her off.

"No,Jadey.Let's get out of this place.Let's do the activities you planned for us.I trust you 100% and I'm totally okay."I said in a breath.

"Calm your tits and put your bag at the back."she laughed and I threw my bag to the back seat.

"Now,move!"I said excitedly and she started to drive.

I turned on the radio and she slapped my hand but not too hard.

"Ouch!What the fuck,Jade?"I rubbed my hand.

"Who told you to turn on the radio?"she asked in a serious tone.

"I-I'm sorry."then she bursted out laughing and I sat there,laughing awkwardly.

"I'm just kidding.Do whatever you want."she said with her eyes on the road.

"Fuck you."I muttered.

"Anytime you want."she winked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and turned on the radio.We sang to any songs came on the radio.We talked and laughed.She always being smooth.She flirted with me.She tells a lot of pickup lines at me.I got to know her better.She loves Disney.

"We're here."she said and parked in a parking lot near a fun-fair.

"We're going here?Are you serious?"I asked with a gasp.

"Why you don't like it?If you don't I can take us somewhe-"

"Nonononono!This is great!"I squealed excitedly and jumped out of the car.

She giggled and walked out of the car then locked it.We walked to the main entrance and she took my hand.She intertwined our hands and smiled.

She payed everything,the tickets,food,drinks and others.She played some game and won a big teddy bear.

"Keep that."she told me with a grin as she passed me the teddy bear.

"Aww,Jadey!Thank you so much."I said and kissed her cheek which made her blushed madly.

We played every game at the fun-fair.We went to the haunted house thing and rode the roller coaster.It was pretty fun and Jade is

Sorry for not updating for 3 days or more.I was celebrating 59th Merdeka it was so much fun tbh.I spent those 2 days with my family so it was great.i took 1 day to rest since I was vv exhausted we walked everywhere and stood for hours so.

Someone be my Jade and I'll be your Perrie please lol.Theyre goals af.Btw vote and comment your thoughts.Tysm for reading and ilysm💚

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