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Perrie's POV

We went back to her car since I'm hungry again as always and we're really tired.Our legs felt hurtful since we ran around like 5 years old girls.I put the teddy bear she won at the back seat.

"So,where are we going next?"I asked excitedly as I clapped my hands.

"Are you serious?Aren't you tired?Cause I am.God,it was so much fun and tiring."she threw her head back as she took a deep breath.

"O-Oh,I'm s-sorry though.You can send me home now.I'm really sor-"

Jade laughed.

"You just been fooled."she laughed as she held her tummy like a 3 years old girl.

I gave her a death glare and she stopped laughing as she straighten herself in the driver seat.

"I'm being serious,Jade Thirlwall.Where.Are.We.Going?"I looked in her eyes with a serious look and we both bursted out laughing.

I swear this is the best day of my life.We felt like we've known each other for a very long time.

"We're going to eat cause you're hungry."she said with a pout and poked my tummy so I slapped her hand.

"Don't touch my tummy when it's hungry or it'll eat you."I warned her and pointed my finger at her at the end.

"Okay,Pez.Now,let's go and eat."she exclaimed and drove away to some place.

Then,she stopped at a lake and I looked at her weirdly.She got out of the car and went to the car trunk probably taking some stuffs out since I heard the noises.

"Are we gonna go fishing and eat fishes alive with grass or what?"I joked.

"Just help me with these."she huffed and I got out of the car to help.

I took the blanket and put it on a big rock beside the lake.Then,I sat there,enjoying the view while Jade was carrying the food and some other stuffs she bought.She put a bag which is full with food and drinks next to Perrie.

"Thanks for helping me.I appreciate it a lot."she said sarcastically.

"You're welcome,Jadey.Anytime you need me."I replied with a snort and a quite laugh.

She took the food and drinks out.Then she settled them down.I took the sandwich and ate it.She was looking for something else beside her which I couldn't see but I don't care anyway.When I was about to take the last bite of that delicious sandwich,Jade gave me a rose.A lavender rose.I looked at her with a wide smile.I took it from her and hugged her tightly.

"Jade,this is so cute and sweet.Thank you."I mumbled against her neck,breathing in her scent.

She hugged me back and we pulled away.

"This is so beautiful.It's lavender.It's a rose,lavender rose."I mumbled as I looked at it lovely."I know what red roses mean but this one."I gave her a questioning look.

She just blushed.I wonder what it means.

"It's nothing-maybe."she stuttered.

She's so dirty yet so cute.We ate the food and drank the drinks.We just lied down on the blanket,cuddling together while looking at the stars.She's so sweet.She's s-

My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket.I looked at the notification and it was just messages from my girls.

[Jesy - 8:05PM] how's it going😏

[Camila - 8:05PM] anything happen😏

[Jesy - 8:05PM] did she make any move😏

[Camila - 8:05PM] did she give you any sex hints or stuff😏

[Perrie - 8:06PM] GIRLSS!!I'll give you the details later

[Perrie - 8:06PM] nothing like what u idiots think happened or is happening

[Jesy - 8:06PM] so...will happen😏

[Camila - 8:06PM] yeah right jes😏

[Perrie - 8:07PM] u guys just shut up for a night please I'll tell y'all the story later

The girls replied an 'okay' so I shoved my phone in my pocket and nuzzled into Jade's side,feeling her warmth.

"Do you want to go home now?"Jade asked.

"I really hate you for this."I muttered as I breathed in her perfume she used.

She smelled really good.I sounded like a creeper,didn't I?I smelled bad since I'm still in my school uniform.

"I don't want your parents to be worried about you,Pez."the way she says 'Pez' oh god shoot me.

"It's fine.I told them that I was having a sleepover."I looked up at her with a pout.

"Another 5 minutes,okay?"I nodded as got closer to her if that's even possible.

Her breathing is slow and calm.I love to hear her breathing.It makes me feel calm.I love to be in her arms.It makes me feel safe.I love to get compliments by her.It makes me feel beautiful.I love to hear her words.It makes me feel loved.

Wait-I'm not gay.I'm not gay.I'm not falling for a stranger.Perrie Louise Edwards,she's not a stranger.You guys got to know each other really well in a day.

After 5 minutes,we got up and packed the things.I helped her put them in the trunk.She sent me home and walked me to the door.She tried to hold my hands but failed since I'm carrying the rose she gave and the teddy bear.

"So...see you again,Pez."she smiled.

"See you again,Jade.Thank you so much for today.I had a lot of fun with you.This is is the best day of my life."I kissed her cheek and she blushed madly.

"Me too."she said as our eyes locked."Talk to you later,Edwards."she waved at me as she walked to her car.

"Okay,Thirlwall."I said with a wave as she got in the car and then she drove away.

Um..can u guys tell/message me if you see someone copies my fanfic?I'd appreciate it a lot since I work hard to write it😁😁😁

Fyi if you don't know what's lavender(purple) rose mean,it means 'love at the first sight' so yeah💜💜💜💜💜

Btw I hope you like this chapter cause it's pretty long.Anyway vote if u want me to update more and comment your thoughts.Tysm for reading and ilysm💚

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