im so sorry .

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You find out that Audrey cheated on you with the new girl Zoe . Emma told you .


"Hey Y/N ! Its Emma !" she yells down the hallway to me .

"Hey Ems , how have you been ?" I say as I give her a welcoming hug .

" I've been good , so I heard you and Audrey hit 8 months a couple of days ago . Thats great !" she says .

" Yea , Im so happy with her and ever since the killings and my family , she has been here for me since like the start ." I say .

Emma looks nervous for some reason and its making me feel slightly uncomfortable .

" Em .. you okay ?"

" Y/N , I need to tell you something about Audrey , its very important . "

She yanks me into the janitors closet (so cliche) , and she locks the door and flips the light switch up .

" You know how I had that party and you couldn't come with Audrey cause you had to study ? "

I nod my head .

" So there was a girl there, Zoe , she is new to Lakewood and they hit it off . At first I didn't really mind that they were talking cause I was thinking that they were talking as friends , and around the end of the party I walked outside and they were kissing . Like full on makeout . Y/N , Im so sorry ! But I didn't want to keep it from you because if you found out later and I knew , you would be mad at us both . Im so sorry . "

I walk out of the closet and I hear Emma yelling my name but I keep walking to Audreys class , English Lit .

The bell rings for the next period and I wait till she walks out and I see them two walking out of class smiling and happy .

" Hey babe , have you met Zoe ? She is -- "

I cut off Audrey by laying a fist onto Zoe's face . I hear everyone yelling and shouting that I punched the new girl .


She starts to open her mouth but words didn't come out . She is standing there like if nothing happened .

" Just know I'll never forgive you for this ever Audrey . We just just hit 8 months and all that for a kiss ? Were you gunna end up cheating on me with her ? Huh ? " I say with tears falling down my red , hot cheeks .

" Y/N , she was and still is my girlfriend . She moved away a long time ago and we never broke up , but it dosent mean I dont love you . I love you Y/N , so much !! Please forgive me ! " she pleads .

" 8 months Audrey . Wow , I wasted my time with you . "

I proceed to take of the necklace she gave me for our 8 month anniversary . It was a heart with A.J engraved on the back .

" Give this to your side hoe and leave me the fuck alone . "

I threw it Zoe's way and she catches it and looks at Audrey . I expected Audrey to run towards me and plead , beg for forgivness but she didn't , she stayed by Zoe's side .

Emma walks with me , our hands intertwined . Emma was always the caring one in our group . She was always there when Audrey wasn't .

" Would you like to have a girls night tonight ? I did just find out that my very attractive ex boyfriend was the killer . " she chokes out .

She hasn't talked abour Kieran ever since he killed Eli and took Audrey . I bet it must be hard .

" Sure why not , it looks like both of us need it . "

We walk out into the very humid weather, to her car in the schools parking lot .

We hop into her matte black Range Rover , which by the way is my favorite car EVER , she turns the key into the ignition and drives off the property .

In the rearview mirror I see Audrey running towrds the car . Yelling at Emma to stop the car .

" Do you want me to stop ? " she asks .

" No keep going , she needs to understand that she broke the wrong girl's heart . " I say with a stern look on my face .


After about 30 minutes and stopping for snacks , we get to Emma's house . Her mom is the mourge person thingy so she works late .

Emma unlocks the gorgeous front door , walk in , make sure we closed and locked the door and walk upstairs to her room .

" Wanna watch a movie or listen to some music? "

" Umm... music then movie ! First lets get lit ! "

We both laugh really hard for some reason . She puts on Redemption by Drake and we just listen .

" How long did you like Audrey before she asked you out ? " She asks very uncertain about her conversation starter .

" Since I first moved to Lakewood . I had a girlfriend back home for almost 3 years , but we had to break up cause I was moving here and we just mutually agreed on no long distance relationship and getting into this one was very hard because I didn't want to get hurt , but Im here . Hurt . "

Tears are at the brim of my eyes and one falls . Emma hugs me and stays quiet . Eventually I hug back . I start balling my eyes out and Emma was there to comfort me .

" Em , thank you so much . I love you " I say .

She is practically my other half . She is my bestfriend , my sister .

" I love you too , Y/N . "

We end up falling asleep on her bed cause we are so tired of being sad . Thank you Emma so much .


Part two of this is coming cause I actually like this . ♡

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